----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wizardry V: Uncensored English Edition ReadMe ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- While a fully English release of Wizardry V was published in North America, that version contained a great deal of censorship. All references to nudity, alcohol, blood, violence, and religion were replaced. This hack makes it easier for English players to experience this game as it was originally intended. This hack translates the switch/options screen in the Japanese version of Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom into English. It also changes the default character names, the default language, and the default character set to use when naming your characters. The Japanese version of Wizardry V already had the ability to display text in either English or Japanese, but English players had to navigate the untranslated switch menu, which had five different switches for changing different parts of the text from one language to another. This hack combines those into a single switch that controls all of the in-game text. Additionally, several grammatical errors in the game's text were corrected. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patching Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This ips patch is intended for a headerless, Japanese version of Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom for the Super Famicom. You can easily tell if your file has a header by checking the file size. The headerless ROM will have a size of 1,048,576 bytes, while a ROM with a header will be 1,049,088 bytes. It's always a good idea to back up your file prior to patching in case there is a mismatch, or if you've applied multiple patches that turn out to be incompatible. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you played the game previously, a save game will already exist, and the existing options will not be reset. In this case, it is recommended to visit the switch screen and toggle the "TEXT" switch at least once while setting the language to your preference (USA for English or JPN for Japanese). This will ensure that all the game's text is properly translated. Aside from this, saves from the original version should be compatible with this hack. If any of the default characters with Japanese names are present before the hack is installed, they will remain unless you delete them manually from the Training Grounds menu, delete/move your .srm file, or reset backup data. To reset backup data, delete all characters from the training grounds, and then attempt to delete again. You will be presented with the option to reset backup data, which will delete all character data, all mapping progress, all NPC encounters, Boltac's trading post, and memos. Once you restart the game, the default characters will automatically be created with their English names. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version History ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 (1/14/17) -Tileset for the switch/options menu was modified to be similar to the North American release of Wizardry V, while retaining the ability to switch languages. All text is now controlled with a single switch instead of five. -Default character set when naming characters was changed to be English or Japanese, depending on which language you selected in the switch menu. The original game remembered which character set you used last, and would display it first, even if it was Japanese and all other text was in English. -The default language when you first create a save game is now set to English instead of Japanese. -Names of the default characters were set to their English translations. If an existing save was present prior to applying the patch, already existing characters will keep their names and information. -Several grammar errors were corrected in the English text. Some instances of the "stoned" status effect were changed to "petrify", "ashe" was changed to "ashes". Version 1.1 (9/04/17) -When dropping an equipped item, fixed a typo: "equiped" is now "equipped". -Corrected the "I didn't know you were still there!" text when an NPC has nothing else to say to you. Previously it was "I did'nt know you are still there!" -Fixed an error in the text before the final battle: "Within a nexus a roaring flames" => "Within a nexus of roaring flames". -Near the timeless room on level 3, fixed a glitch that prevented one of the lines of text from showing up. Text now correctly reads "A quiet silence echoes in a room with walls lined in White Curtains". This glitch was also in the official North American release. Enjoy! -darkmoon2321