Barayarou - Gourmet Squadron English Translation AGTP Version 0.95 ----------------- Those Responsible ----------------- Gideon Zhi - Romhacker, Translation ----------------- Stuff Done ----------------- Enemy names. Ingredient names. Meal names. ----------------- Stuff Not Done ----------------- Character bios. Story sequences. A couple small cooking things. ----------------- Patching Instructions ----------------- Go to your favorite emulation site and download SNESTool. Drop it, the patch, and the Japanese Barayarou ROM into the same directory. Then open SNESTool. If it's missing some extenders, you'll have to find 'em on your own. Once you get SNESTool running, select (Use IPS) then the baraya2e.ips patch file, then the Japanese Barayarou ROM. You should now be patched. ----------------- If you find a bug ----------------- The only bugs I want to be notified of are words that get split in the middle or untranslated text in the blocks that I said I'd done. Alright? Alright.