WHAT THIS IS ______________________________________________________________________ This is a bugfix collection for Star Fox 2 English translation v1.0 by Aeon Genesis (AGTP). These bugfixes are (c) 2008-2010 by ManuLöwe. http://www.manuloewe.de/kayeneng.htm ______________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER ______________________________________________________________________ All trademarks mentioned in this readme file are the property of their respective owners. This software is freeware. It is provided "as is" and without express or implied warranty of any kind. ManuLöwe will not be held liable or responsible for any losses, damages, injuries, and/or legal consequences due to the misuse and/or illegal use of any of the files contained within this archive. The following files are contained within this archive: agtp_starfox2v1.0_debriefing_by_manuloewe.ips agtp_starfox2v1.0_menufix_by_manuloewe.ips agtp_starfox2v1.0_staffroll_by_manuloewe.ips sf2_bugfixes_readme.txt The archive may be distributed freely under the circumstance that no file(s) is/are added or removed. ManuLöwe is not affiliated in any way with Aeon Genesis (AGTP) or Nin- tendo. ______________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION ______________________________________________________________________ If you don't know Star Fox 2, read Evan Gowan's excellent article on this fantastic, although never released, Super Nintendo game: http://www.snescentral.com/article.php?id=0077 All of my patches are intended to be used in conjunction with AGTP's English v1.0 translation of the game (released on October 17th, 2004). Go here if you don't already have it: http://agtp.romhack.net/project.php?id=starfox2 Pre-patch your ROM with the translation and make sure it works. Then, you're all set to apply one or more of my bugfix patches. Be sure to check out the information further below about the bugs present in the translation and the fixes I provide. Have fun! :-) Oh yeah, the order in which you apply any two or more of my patches shouldn't really matter because they all affect distinct regions of the ROM. Only thing you have to make sure is that your translated ROM does NOT have a header. ______________________________________________________________________ 1. DEBRIEFING FIX (applies to: "debug" & "final" versions) ______________________________________________________________________ agtp_starfox2v1.0_debriefing_by_manuloewe.ips will correct the spelling of one of the graphical text strings on the records screen (from "DEBREIFING" to "DEBRIEFING"). You can use this patch with the "debug" and/or with the "final" ver- sion of AGTP's patches as both are affected. ______________________________________________________________________ 2. MENU FIX (applies to: "final" version only) ______________________________________________________________________ agtp_starfox2v1.0_menufix_by_manuloewe.ips will correct a bug in the main menu. Note that this bug only affects the "final" version of AGTP's translation! To see the bug in effect, start the "final" version of the translated game, go to the main menu, select "MISSION" and press B. When the difficulty selection menu appears, press Y. You will be taken back to the main menu. Now, press Up or Down on the Control pad several times. You'll be able to blindly select the test, training, and config menu items, which shouldn't actually be available in the "final" version of the translation. Make sure ONLY to use this patch with the "final" version of AGTP's patches. If used with the "debug" version, it'll no longer let you select the test, training, and config options in the main menu! ______________________________________________________________________ 3. STAFF ROLL FIX (applies to: "debug" & "final" versions) ______________________________________________________________________ agtp_starfox2v1.0_staffroll_by_manuloewe.ips will correct the color of the very first line of the staff roll sequence. It says, "EXECUTING SECURITY CROSS CHECK." In the "debug" version of the translation, the line is actually visible (albeit in the wrong color), but in the "final" version, it was accidentally blacked out completely, resul- ting in no more than a green cursor flickering across the bottom of an otherwise black screen. This patch restores the color the line is displayed in to its original shade of light gray. You can use this patch with the "debug" and/or with the "final" ver- sion of AGTP's patches as both are affected. ______________________________________________________________________ HOW TO USE IPS FILES ______________________________________________________________________ Read your emulator's manual to check whether it supports real-time patching. Or, find and download Lunar IPS by FuSoYa. It's pretty self- explanatory and easy to use. ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTIONS, COMMENTS ... ______________________________________________________________________ ... will be ignored. (Sorry.) ______________________________________________________________________ THANKS ______________________________________________________________________ - d4s and Gideon Zhi for their marvellous work on a marvellous game. - Matthew Callis for the Star Fox 2 Font Tools. - FuSoYa for Lunar Compress. ______________________________________________________________________