-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Partial Translations proudly presents BS Dragon Quest Translation Patch v.05 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I. Whats New II. What to Expect III. Current Progress IV. Instalation Instructions I. Whats New - Menus Mostly Done - A few items - 8x8 font and 16x16 font II. What to Expect (from the next patch) - more menus done - monster names - more items - dialog (maybe) III. Current Progress Well, I've been sitting on this project for quite some time now. I haven't really worked on it that much, due to real life, and other projects. But lately I've been putting some more time into this game. Justinffx has been helping out A LOT with this patch, and all the credit for the 16x16 font goes to him. IV. Instalation Instructions First, MAKE A BACKUP OF THE ORIGINAL ROM! Then jump to dos or a dos box and type: ips bsdq.smc bsdqev05.ips ^ |____or what ever your BSDQ ROM is called Oh, and this has been -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A Partial Translation Production -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= email: r_mortensen@fast.net www: www.users.fast.net/~r_mortensen/ ASM hackers capable of window expansion are needed as are translators of all ability.