Choumahou tairiku WOZZ 8x8 text translation ------------------------------------------- Translation & Hacking by akujin ( ------------------------------------------- Patching instructions for those who need them: 1)Unzip the ROM, patch, and Snestool into the same directory. 2)Run Snestool 3)Press the "u" key on your keyboard (For "U"se IPS) 4)Highlight WOZZ8X8.IPS in the left-hand pane and press "enter" 5)Highlight the name of the ROM (WOZZ.SMC for example) in the left-hand pane and press "enter" There! It's patched! Now play it in the Emu of your choice. ------------------------------------------- I originally created this patch a few months ago when I decided to play through the game. I dumped/ translated/ reinserted all of the 8x8 font text (menues, spells, items, monsters, etc.), except for the tactic menu options. The main dialogue seems to be compressed somehow. At any rate I didn't change any of the main dialogue text other than to replace the English font that was already there. And I only did that so I could mess around with the VWF width table. I recently found this patch again and decided there might be others out there who would like to check it out. It's a fairly good game. Definitely a game worth playing through, especialy if you can read the dialogue which is hilarious in places. I currently have no plans to do any more work on this game. Maybe someday I'll finish the walkthrough I was thinking about writing for it. I only hacked this stuff as a learning experience, but if a skilled group decides to fully translate this game someday I would love to help out. (email me!) ------------------------------------------- Translation Project Homepage: ------------------------------------------- Feel free to put this patch up on your webpage, but please leave this file in the .zip so people know where it came from.