SFC Dossun! Stone Battle English Translation AGTP Version 1.0 http://agtp.romhack.net draw_omega@yahoo.com ----------------- Those Responsible ----------------- Gideon Zhi - Romhacker DDS - Translation ----------------- Stuff Done ----------------- Just about everything. ----------------- Stuff Not Done ----------------- Reprogramming the options screen. (Not happening anytime soon.) ----------------- Patching Instructions ----------------- Go to your favorite emulation site and download SNESTool. Drop it, the patch, and the Japanese Stone Battle ROM into the same directory. Then open SNESTool. If it's missing some extenders, you'll have to find 'em on your own. Once you get SNESTool running, select (Use IPS) then the cosmogen.ips patch file, then the Japanese Stone Battle ROM. You should now be patched. ----------------- If you find a bug ----------------- If it's the options screen, DO NOT TELL ME ABOUT IT. If all the capital A's appear as capital D's, live with it. That happens on the Mac IPS patcher for some reason. Otherwise, it's untranslated text. Send a savestate or screenshot (preferably the former, in NESticle format) to Gideon Zhi, and I'll try to fix it.