******************* * Project Story : * ******************* After nearly 10 years, here's a new patch for "Dragon Ball Z Gokuuden Totsugeki-Hen" (Super Famicom) from Kakkoii Translations. To summarize the project story, the last patch was released on February 26, 2006. Riamus, Kakkoii Translations founder and project leader of "Dragon Ball Z Gokuuden Totsugeki-Hen" translation posted on his forum several years ago (May 5th, 2009) that he didn't have the time to work on the project anymore. January 17, 2010. I posted on the forum that I'd be able to take over the project if Riamus was okay with that and if some translators were willing to translate the remaining text. I had a complete new hack done from scratch made by Neige, someone I helped to release a French (then english) translation of "Crystal Beans - From Dungeon Explorer" (Super Famicom) for an upcoming French translation of "Dragon Ball Z Gokuuden Totsugeki-Hen" (Super Famicom), which is still incomplete because I prefered to prioritize the English translation. It was pretty nice to have a complete new hack done from scratch because the old romhack was pretty buggy (for example, you would often get a black screen after a save, which would prevent to use the in-game save function. It's not a big problem on emulators as they always offer savestates but it's a problem on real hardware, where you don't have any savestates. The new hack lets you use the in-game save function without any problem and so, you should also be able to use the translation on real hardware. The new hack also features a bigger and proper VWF font, as well as a lot of free space to fit text so most of the abbreviations used by the old patch were removed (the only few abbreviations still in the new patch are some attack names and a few character names in the ending credits because there isn't enough free space on the screen to display those full sentences, even if we have enough free space in the rom). First, I had to copy and paste the old incomplete translation (~2000 lines) in the new text dumps because of some pointers incompatibility. After a while, methos8 joined me and helped with the old translation in the new text dumps and he also worked on the first editing of the text since the old patch. Schrieker then joined the team (January 18, 2011) to do some translation of the untranslated text, did a good chunk of the remaining text then disappeared from the board on August 30, 2011. He came back later (May 5th, 2013) but meanwhile, I had completed the two files he started to translate and finally decided to complete the remaining translation myself. Then methos8 disappeared from the board and I got exasperated about the editing process and planned to drop the revival of this project (December 11, 2014) as I wasn't motivated anymore to search for new editors who might disappear again after a while and I wasn't also motivated to translate the remaining untranslated text before the editing of the old translation would be complete. Then, on January 6, 2015, a miracle occured! Someone contacted me (Pie-Her) and seemed really motivated to do the editing. And you know what? This time, this editor stayed until the end of the project!!!! I can even say that most people can thank Pie-Her which would often e-mail me to know if there was any new text to edit, which motivated me to keep working on the project until the end. At the end of this year (2016), I finally decided I would release a beta patch before the end of the year to show people the project wasn't dead and was still being worked on. We are the last day of the year, December 31 (at least in my country!), the beta patch is ready and I'm actually writing this readme file before publishing the patch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **************************************** * Informations about the translation : * **************************************** - A few sentences in the patch are still untranslated (some useless ones which often appear before and/or after a save point). A part of those sentences are translated though (the ones which give advices, so the useful ones). - Line-breaks might also not be the best for most of the dialogs as for now, it's an auto-wrapping routine done by the inserter. I fixed the big problems (words cut between lines) and started to work on manual line-breaks but it'll take a while to put them in the whole script so manual line-breaks will only be available in the final version of the patch. - I also noticed that a few battle dialogs weren't translated but I never encountered them in-game (I saw some untranslated dialogs in the battle text file but I haven't found any untranslated battle dialogs yet in the game). I haven't double-checked yet, but I guess it might be some dialogs which only appear when you lose a fight (which would explain why I never saw them, as I play with some Pro Action Replay codes to have maxed stats and make battles faster xD). - Except those little things, the game should be fully playable (some sentences in the main script might be missing, as I tried to check most of the choices, which gave alternate dialogs but I can't be sure to have tested all of them. From what I saw, ~100 dialogs out of 5101 dialogs won't be translated in the beta-patch as we need to get some info about where to find those dialogs in-game to get some context. If you find any untranslated dialogs or even other problems, feel free to send a screenshot and a little explanation of how you found them to scripts-elysion (at) hiei-tf.fr and I will translate those untranslated dialogs). - I created two versions of the patch. The first one features character names from the anime. The editing has been made with those names. I quickly created an alternative version of the patch which feature the characters names from the manga, for those who might prefer them, so I might have missed a few character names when I did the "search/replace", but I think I covered nearly all of them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************************* * Information about the patching : * ************************************* The patchs are using the classic IPS format so just use any IPS patcher to apply the translation. I personally used LunarIPS to create those patchs, but you should be able to use whatever IPS patcher you want to apply the translation. You need to apply this IPS patch on a japanese "Dragon Ball Z Gokuuden Totsugeki-Hen". Those patchs were created from the no-intro dump so I would advice using this one (it's the most widespread one. Checksum of the japanese rom is "D531289B"). After patching, the checksum of the patched rom with the anime version should be "3561FF9D" and the checksum of the patched rom with the manga version should be "48C377F0". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************* * English localization staff: * ******************************* - Romhacking, Programming, Assembler: Neige - Translation: Old Kakkoii Translations staff ; Schrieker ; Hiei- - Editing: Old Kakkoii Translations staff ; methos8 ; Pie-Her - Graphics: Neige - Beta-test: Hiei- - Special Thanks: kakkoiitranslations.net ; romhack.org ; mobygames.com ; romhacking.net ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you need help with the few "mazes" the game features, check this link : http://www.kakkoiitranslations.net/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=278