--------------------------------- | Dragon Ball Z - Gokuden 2 | --------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Unofficial English Translation + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + By The Commando Ginew + + http://www.ginew.cjb.net + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ---------------------------------------------------------- C O N T E N T S ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction 2. Patch Info 3. How to Start 4. Reflection 5. Disclaimer ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------- Hi! I'm Ginyu. This project started on 21/03/00. I'm the only person who's doing the patch itself. Some people helped me thought: Jace with the site, maverick with the readme, Gotenpal with some fixes in the dialogs, and other people who supported me. ---------------------------------------------------------- 2. Patch Info ---------------------------------------------------------- What is completed in this patch: 1. All story-text 2. Battle text 3. Menus and musics names were also translated What is not completed in this patch: 1. Title screen is still in Japanese 2. What helpers says will stay Japanese ---------------------------------------------------------- 3. How to Start ---------------------------------------------------------- The archive includes an IPS file. The IPS file is to be applied to ROM images acquired from somewhere else, and it's up to you to obtain it. First, you need a copy of the Dragon Ball Z - Gokuden 2 ROM image, and an IPS patching program. The most popular one is Snestool that you can get at most emulaton sites. This patch MUST be applied to the ORIGINAL, unmodified ROM image. To use Snestool with the Dragon Ball Z - Gokuden 2 patch (dbz.ips), double click to start it up and press U to start the patching process. Next find the dbz.ips file in whatever directory you saved it and press enter. Now find the ORIGIONAL unmodified ROM image in whatever directory you saved it and press enter. The ROM image is now patched. After you've patched your ROM image, load the game inside your favorite SNES emulator, and you're ready to start. ---------------------------------------------------------- 4. Reflection ---------------------------------------------------------- I'm happy to have translated such a great and BIG game. I hope you people will enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed translating it. ---------------------------------------------------------- 5. Disclaimer ---------------------------------------------------------- Dragon Ball Z - Gokuden 2 and all other likenesses are copyright of Banai. (c) 2001 by The Commando Ginew There is no video game company or any other company associated with The Commando Ginew. In no event shall By The Commando Ginew be held liable or responsible for any damages that may occur from direct, indirect, or consequential results of the ability or disability to use or misuse any material it provides. The distribution of the patch is not to be included with the origional ROM image. This readme was made by maverick (maverick@spoony-bard.com).