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What's New? II. Foreword III. How to Start Playing IV. Playing the Game V. Credits and Special Thanks VI. Help Us VII. Disclaimer ================================================================================= I. What's New? ================================================================================= v 2.00 (June 20 2003) - Major Re-release. Tons of changes including but not limited to: 1) Equip menus redone to duplicate look of Japanese one. 2) Expanded the ministatus menu. No more squishy letters for status. And 8 letter names now everywhere in both games (something that no other translator, not even Enix themselves, had ever done ^_~ ). 3) Redid the asm for everything. Better loading times on real hardware, specially menus that have 2 line items. 4) Fixed all remaining bugs that we are aware of, except the clone prince in DQ2 which is partially fixed to not delete his experience, lvl, etc... 5) Added more names for prince and princess that join your party in DQ2. One to celebrate the new largest rpg company in the world. 6) Translated and redid the title screen for DQ1. 7) DQ2 intro and ending fixed to synchronize with the music. 8) Spacing in text, and letters resized for a better, more uniform look. 9) Dialogue formatted for a more aesthetic look. 10) Even more dialogue corrections and editing. KNOWN ISSUES - 1) This release is mostly incompatible with savestates and battery saves from version 1.0 or 1.1, as well as the Japanese saves. So please keep that in mind. 2) Apparently many people are downloading bad roms for this game, which can cause numerous sound and crashing problems. Make sure your rom is 1,573,376 bytes, nothing more, nothing less. If it's not that please download another one. 3) Sometimes if you have stereo sound enabled in ZSNES, and a frame skip or frame rate of 2 or higher, the game will get stuck on a note and freeze. This is an issue with the Japanese version also, so it's not our problem. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE DQ AND DW VERSIONS - - The DQ or DW after the version number indicate the translation you're playing. - The DQ VERSION uses character, class, town and item names that are more faithful to the original Japanese version. For example, the ancestor of the main characters is Roto. Also certain dialogue may sound more "eastern." - The DW VERSION uses character, class, town and item names that are more "Americanized" and may resemble the names from the original Nintendo of America/ Enix of America NES translations. However, the script still remains faithful to the SFC Japanese script, though there are some minor differences from the DQ version's. - Most of the changes are merely cosmetic, so choose whichever one you're more interested in. Or play both to see the changes. ^_^ v 1.10 (July 26 2002) - Thanks to all who reported problems and send in savestates! 1) Certain enemy names fixed. 2) Certain item names and functions fixed. 3) Crashing for lightning sword and leaf of world tree fixed. (hopefully) 4) Major item duplication fixed: only displays one major item at a time. 5) Enemies now flash before they die. 6) Character names for DQ when trading items are now correct. 7) Fixed the cloned Prince problem. 8) Numerous other dialogue-related fixes, including inconsistent naming on the DQ patch. 9) Missing pointer for rescuing Princess after the defeat of Dragonlord fixed. v 1.00 (July 13 2002) - First Public Release ================================================================================= II. Foreword ================================================================================= Dragon Warrior holds a special place in my memories. I played Dragon Warrior 1 and 2 at a time in my life when I needed activities that could be done from a bed. I was going through many surgeries at the time. These 2 games gave me much enjoyment at a time when nothing else did. I could lose myself in the games, and not worry about the problems I was going through. Then real life took over and I never played another Dragon Warrior game for a while. Two years ago, I found out that I could play the Super Famicom versions of the Dragon Quest games on a PC. This so elated me, that I immediately found Dragon Quest 1 and 2 Reprise and played it, even though I couldn't understand a word of Japanese. That's when I decided to check more into translating/hacking the game like other translation/hacking groups and individuals did to other great Super Famicom games. That's when I bought the cartridge from a local vendor, and my journey began. I had no knowledge of assembly programming at the time, and produced my first patch. It was a hack of the NES text from Dragon Warrior 1. I really didn't have much done on it when I realized that the method I was using just wouldn't work well. It was not producing a level of quality that I had noticed in other groups projects like DeJap, J2e, and others. This is when I decided to learn assembly programming so that I could do things like expand menus, 8 letter names, expand spell and item names, etc. I had no knowledge of how to program in anything except Basic. That is when I was told by several people to just give up, because the scripts could never be dumped properly due to the way the dialogue was stored, and how the pointers for the text worked. I rose to the challenge, and after learning what the control codes were in the text, I could easily tell where the dialogue was in the rom. I made complete script dumps, but had no translator. Up to this point, several groups and individuals had tried translating/hacking this game. But none had ever seen it through to completion. I was determined to show that it could be done, and that I could learn what was needed to complete the project with much better quality than I had done in the past. I was willing to do anything it took. I joined up with Fear Gaia, who for personal reasons left the scene a few months later. I continued working on the game with my friend, Arch Demon, from a Portuguese translation/hacking group, and then made contact with other people in the scene, Dark Force, Byuu, spSpiff, and a few other poeple really helped me out. Byuu and I joined efforts after that. I became very ill, and "disappeared" for a few months. When I returned in better health with a new computer and no files for the project, Byuu was not hacking actively. I really wanted to finish the game. By some miracle, I was contacted by Gideon Zhi who had the files from Byuu that I needed. So I set out to complete the project with translated English scripts by spSpiff. After much aggravation, personal sacrifices, help from many different people, and lots of time and headaches, it is finally done! The final result is this patch, which I hope is our last patch necessary for this game. Thanks to everyone who offered any words of encouragement, or a helping hand when it was needed. ChrisRPG Project Leader, Hacker, Editor P.S. Please read the rest of this file before playing the game. Enjoy! ================================================================================= III. How to Start Playing ================================================================================= The zip includes this readme and the DWI.II IPS file. You will need to apply this patch onto a ROM image of DWI&II. Please do not ask us where to obtain this image, it can be done with a careful search of the Internet. However, it is required that this patch be applied to the ORIGINAL, unmodified ROM. To apply the image, to will need an IPS patching program. The easiest one to use would be IPSWin. You can get this and other programs from www.emuxhaven.net. Open this IPS program and apply the patch (.IPS file)in this zip archive to the original Dragon Quest I.II Reprise rom. Note: You can also use ZSNES or Snes9x's autopatch features, which will let you patch the rom without using the patcher. All you have to do is rename the patch to the same name as your rom's filename (with the ips extension instead of the extension your rom uses, i.e. DQ.IPS if your romname is DQ.SFC), and place the file in the same folder as your battery srams (where your emulator stores your SRM files.) After you patch/autopatch the ROM, just start up the emulator, load up the rom, and start playing! ================================================================================= IV. Playing the Game ================================================================================= The Dragon Quest/Dragon Warrior series of games is a role-playing experience that many other games have tried to reproduce. Each game features a true RPG character who Enix wants you to call your alter-ego, and allows you to name and personify the character with your own personality. Each DQ game has a battle system that features a first-person view of the battle, making the role-playing experience even more authentic. Like every classic RPG game, DQ I.II allows you to explore a fantasy world full of memorable characters and villains. You will play as one character in DQ I and three characters in DQ II. Make them fight and cast magic and help them to develop into seasoned warriors of legend powerful enough to defeat evil and save the world. CONTROLS: D-Pad : Move character A Button : Confirm Brings up menu (see below) B Button : Cancel X Button : "Useful Button" Confirm Talk to NPC when facing him/her/it Open Door when facing it Open Chests when facing them Search the grounds all other times L/R Buttons : Same function as X button MENU: Press A Button to access Talk : Talk to NPC if facing him/her/it. Spell : Use a "travel spell," a spell that can be used outside battle. Status : Bring up Status of the characters. Note: Does NOT tell you the experience needed to level up but gives the current experience. Does NOT allow you to save. Item : Use an Item, or discard an item. Door : Opens a door. (In DQ1, only if you have a Magic Key) Search : Search the ground for items. MISCELLANEOUS AND TIPS: - Unlike later games in the Dragon Warrior/Quest series, you MUST save by talking to a king (with a few exceptions). When you die you will lose a portion of your gold and automatically warp back to the king you previously saved at. - Churches in DQ1 will only heal you. Churches in DQ2 will heal your status ailments and revive dead characters. They do NOT allow you to save. - Talk to everybody and pay close attention to what they say. To finish the game, you will need to go to obscure places and find hidden treasures, so talk to everyone you see for hints of what you should do next. For more information on how to play the game or for cheat codes, visit our website at http://www.rpgone.net or visit Gamefaqs at http://www.gamefaqs.com. ================================================================================= V. Credits ================================================================================= PROJECT LEADER ChrisRPG ENGLISH SCRIPT SpSpiff SCRIPT EDITING Arch Demon Brightman ChrisRPG ASM PROGRAMMING Arch Demon Byuu ChrisRPG GRAPHICS Brightman SAVESTATES TOOL (DQST) Cynsob Zeke_D TESTING Alexander Sirlin Arch Demon Brennan Brooks Brightman ChrisRPG Firebrand Jeremy Gallen Junts King Mike Magnus Paul Kangas Squall Tony Zeke_D ADDITIONAL THANKS TO Anoda Brightman Byuu Dark Force Emu X Haven Endwin Fear Gaia Gideon Zhi Pendy Zeke_D All Zsnes, Snes9x, etc. emulator programmers All other Dragon Quest games translaters and hackers And Square Enix for the wonderful series, Dragon Quest/Dragon Warrior ================================================================================= VI. Help Us ================================================================================= Please report all bugs to ChrisRPG at chrisrpg@romhacking.de. Please do not forget to tell us the way you're playing the patch (emulator, copier, etc.) and if possible, please include a savestate or screenshot of the problem. ================================================================================= VII. Disclaimer ================================================================================= Dragon Quest I & II and all related images, names, and themes are trademarks of Square Enix Co., Ltd. RPGOne and EvilTeam are in no way or form affiliated with Square Enix and any other video game companies. It shall not be held liable for any damages of any type arising out of or in any way connected with your use of the products it releases. You may NOT distribute this patch with a rom image. We do not endorse game piracy. If you like a game, please support the game company and buy the game. Visit RPGOne's webpage at http://www.rpgone.net Visit EvilTeam's webpage at http://www.darkcajun.hpg.ig.com.br/evilteam/frame.htm