________ 28-February-98 / \ ___________ .\_ _ \......./ \............. : / / \ \ \_____ __/[J3d!] : :/ / / / \ \ /ŻŻŻŻ\ : / / / //ŻŻŻŻŻ\ / // \ /ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ\ /Ż ŻŻŻ // _ \ ___/ // /\ \ / ____ \ \__________// // // // / \ \\ \ / / : \ \\ / \_____/ \ ŻŻŻŻ\ \\ \/ / : \ ŻŻŻŻ\ \______/\__/ \ \__/ :...........\______/.......................\ \ [s N E S r O M t R A N S L A T I O N S] \__/ Dragon Quest 3 remix Translation v0.14 ====================================== What is this? ------------- This is a patch to convert the Super Famicom game Dragon Quest 3 remix into English. Dragon Quest 3 Remix is a greatly improved version of the original NES game. The graphics and sound are much higher quality than the original, but thankfully, the classic story and gameplay remains the same :). This translation is now a joint effort between Drayman Darklight and DeJap translations. This is because the game coding and compression schemes are virtually the same as for Dragon Quest 6, so it makes sense to use the same patching code for both games. You can expect this translation to make use of any improvements that are made to the DQ6 patch. Also, this game has about half as much text as DQ6, so you can expect it to be completed a lot more quickly! Please ask before uploading this patch anywhere else, don't stick it on your page without permission (like some people have done, nngrh...). If you see any translations that are not 100% accurate, please tell one of us, but don't complain... We try our best... How to use it ------------- Firstly, you will need a copy of Dragon Quest 3r in .smc (Super Magicom?) format. Note: it is illegal to own this for more than 24-hours, unless you also own the original game cartridge! This file should be named 'Dq3r.smc' and should contain the standard 512 byte header. It can be either in interleaved or deinterleaved format (I think I got my copy from Snesmerism, and it was interleaved, but Drayman's copy is deinterleaved...). Copy all files in this archive into the same directory as the rom, then run the MakeDQ3e.bat file. This will patch the rom for you. Now, try it out on either a real snes or a snes emulator. The 'new' rom will be called Dragon3e.smc, the original rom will not be altered. Important! ---------- * If you plan to apply the patch yourself, make sure you have run DQ3DeInt.exe correctly BEFORE applying the ips to it (or it won't run). * Also, if you run it on an emulator you MUST HAVE SOUND ENABLED (Snes9x, Zsnes). * Always apply the patch to a copy of the original ROM, this is VERY IMPORTANT... What's New ---------- v0.14 - Script mostly done for: Noanielu Village Elf Village Najima Tower Shanpane Tower DreamRuby Cave Elf Village (After Ruby) Night -Kanave Village -Romaly Village -Aliahan Village -Reeve Village 2 Spell effects (All these translations by Drayman!). - A copule of menus are expanded (not properly yet, only the text itself, not the window boxes...). v0.12 - Script mostly done for:   Tower of Shanpane   Kanave village   Romalia Castle (including the Fight Ring)   Register Lady in Aliahan - Some more Monster names done. - Some spell texts (mainly failures, like casting return in a cave, or MP too low). v0.10 - 16x16 text translations for most shops, some of the character generation text and a fair number of the characters in the first town. - All the work from Drayman's translation is included (so a lot of the 8x8 text is translated). - Some 8x8 text has been expanded (mainly spell names). Internal Changes: - All features of the DQ6 patch are implemented, at least as far as 16x16 text/font/compression is concerned. All story scripts are dumped ready for translation... Versions by Drayman, before we joined forces: Version 0.971123 -Added 52 16x16 tiles (A-Z)&(a-z) -Added 30 Monsters -Added 24 Items -Fixed 6 Items -Added 5 Spell-Desciptions -Added 4 Town-Names -Added 3 Menu-items -Added 1 Battle-text -Added 1 8x8 tile Version 0.971115 -Added 36 Spells -Fixed 4 Spells -Added 22 Menu-items -Fixed 3 Menu-items -Added 16 Monsters -Fixed 2 Monsters -Added 11 Items -Added 11 Battle-texts -Added 5 Town Names -Added 4 Spell-Descriptions Version 0.971101 -Added 1 Town -Fixed 1 Town -Added 12 Monsters -Added 5 Items -Added 2 Spells -Fixed 3 Menu-items Credits ------- Drayman Darklight - ROM Hacking (8x8) and Translations (christos@ljci.com) Richard Bush / [J3d!] - ROM Hacking (16x16, compression and tools) (rbush@firenet.net) Max Hiroyuki Ueda - Translations (itto_ogami@geocities.com) SoM2Freak - Made the euc chart needed to dump the game texts (And is not a translator on this project, ok?) Thanks ------ Everyone who has given us support. This patch uses the IPS patching system, without which, the distribution would be a lot larger. ******************************************************* * Contact us if you can help translate Japanese text. * * No technical skills required, just good Japanese! * ******************************************************* * Dragon Quest 3 remix and Dragon Quest 6 are (c) Enix. * Do not spread this about without permission, you can get * the latest version from this page:                                                 _/\__                                                /   \/_ ,----------=[Richard Bush [J3d!] ]=-------O---(O O  \/_----. |                                           o (___/  \/_   | |  ICQ: 7399081  email: rbush@firenet.net     (^^'\_/ \/_  | |                                             <__________> | |  WWW: http://www.squareplanet.net/dejap/      -=Bubby=-  | `----------------------------------------------------------'