Apr. 13th, 2001, Ver. 0.1 This is the first Translation done by RPG1. It has most of the first town and second towns menus, items, spells, and battles translated. This is Version 1.0. Please E-Mail me at rpgone1@hotmail.com with any comments or bug reports. I know that another translation group is working on this game already, but I have a lot of time to invest in it. So, look for more updates at http://rpgone10.tripod.com ================================================================================== Apr. 17, 2001, Ver. 0.11 Updated menus to diplay full words. And input some more english into the dialogue font.(SMALL UPDATE) ================================================================================== Apr. 22, 2001, Ver 0.12 Updated some more menu stuff. And fixed some battle dialogue. (another small update) ==================================================================================