_______________ ________ / _____ _____ \ / ______ \ / / | | \ \ Nightcrawler's / / \ \ \/ | | \/ / / \ \ | | / / ____\/ /\___ /\_____ | | /\___ ___/\ /\___ /\ | | //--\\ |/--\\ |/----\\ | | |/--\\ //--|| ||--\\ / / | | || || || ` || || | | || ` || || || || / / | | ||__|| || ||____|| | | || ||__|| || || \ \ | | \____/ || ||_____/ | | || \___|| || || \ \ \ \ /\\/ || | | \/ \/ \/ \/ / / \ \ / / || | | \/ \ \______/ / || \ / (c)2016 All rights reserved. \________/ \/ ` *********************************************************************** Dual Orb 2(c) English Translation Patch presented by: Nightcrawler's Translation Corporation http://transcorp.romhacking.net Version 1.7 February 26th 2016 *********************************************************************** Table of Contents 1.0 Information 1.1 Patch Information 1.2 Distribution and Licensing Information 1.3 Copyright Information 1.4 Disclaimer 2.0 Introduction and words about the project 3.0 About the Game 4.0 Credits of who worked on this Patch 5.0 What you will find in the Patch 6.0 Known Issues in the Patch. 6.1 Original Game Bugs 6.2 Known Patch Issues 6.3 Non Issues to Note 7.0 Special Thanks 1.0 Information 1.1 ****Patch Information**** This patch when hard patched correctly will result in a VALID checksum. This patch was created for use on an original ROM that has: * NO header * CRC32: 0xE8798F65 * NSRT (http://www.romhacking.net/utils/400/) identified as: Dual Orb II, Version 1.0, 0x7868 Checksum The 'TransPatch.exe' custom patching application can be used to ensure you have the correct ROM and patch, and apply the patch to headered or non-headered ROMs automatically. This is the recommended way to apply the patch for novice patchers. The patcher should work on Win95/98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7/8, as well as Linux under Wine. It should be self explanatory to use. You will be asked for your ROM file and your IPS patch file. The program will alert you if any errors are found or upon a successful patching job. An xDelta format patch is also provided for reliable patching in all other cases. xDelta patchers are available on all platforms. Popular choices are: * MultiPatch (MacOS X) - http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/746/ * Delta Patcher (Win/Linux) - http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/704/ * xdelta UI (Win .NET/Linux Mono) - http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/598/ Patch History: * 1.0 - December 20th 2002 - Initial Release * 1.01 - May 7th 2004 - Fixed Hilandia Church crash and other more minor issues. * 1.5 - June 4th 2008 - Big bug fix/polishing release. Over 25 issues addressed or fixed including crash fixes, graphical glitches, script errors, mistranslations,and other improvements. * 1.6 - October 30th 2014 - Scan Text Translated. - Fixed 8x16 menu 'blipping' issue. - Fixed reported minor inconsistencies. * 1.7 - February 26th 2016 - Fixed Karina's 'Stab' command 1st turn appearance issue. - Fixed level 20 'Tech' command appeareance issue. - Changed naming screen to a more sane layout. (Thanks mziab!) 1.2 ****Distribution and Licensing Information**** This patch is licensed under the Creative Commons Deed as: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) This means you are free to share, copy, or distribute the work under the following conditions: * Attribution: You must give appropriate credit and provide a link to the work's website. * NonCommercial: You may not use the material for commercial purposes. * NoDerivatives: You may not alter, remix, transform, or build upon the work and distribute the modified work. A full copy of the license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) can be found at: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ The only files found in the official distribution archive are 'readme.txt', 'do2v16.ips', 'do2v16.xdelta', and 'TransPatch.exe'. If anything else has been found in this archive, this is not an official distribution. Only official distributions may be distributed freely for public use per the license. 1.3 ****Copyright Information**** Dual Orb 2 is a 1994 trademarked, copyrighted property of I'MAX company. Nightcrawler's Translation Corporation is not affiliated with any of the above companies in any way. Nightcrawler's Translation Corporation title, melodies, and all logos are not to be used under any circumstances without the expressed written consent of the original creator/s. 1.4 ****Disclaimer**** No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. Nightcrawler's Translation Corporation, Nightcrawler, nor any affiliates of the aforementioned shall be held liable or responsible for any losses, damages, injury, and/or legal consequences due to the misuse, or illegal use, of any of the files contained within this archive. 2.0 Introduction and words about the project Finally! At long last, I give to you Dual Orb 2 in full English glory! It's been a long year and a half. I know there are other projects out there that have taken longer, but I have worked almost entirely, and exclusively on Dual Orb 2 for the full year and a half. I never really took any extended breaks either! Alot of work has gone into this project. I have been a one man team aside from Akujin. When Akujin came on board, he translated the entire script, retranslating what was already done and continuing right to the end. I think he did a wonderful job, and with a final edit done by himself and David Mullen, the story came out very well written and very enjoyable! It was a pleasure working with Akujin, and I think you'll be very happy with his work. I think this project was one of fairly high magnitude. With 343 text blocks, multiple methods of evil compression, and all around general evilness, it was definitely a challenging feat to hack/translate. Others tried and failed, but this time we were successful! I say 'we' because it was a team effort. The romhacking community for the most part is a team. I couldn't have done it without the help and support from my fellow hackers! =) Because of that, I give this translation to the scene as my contribution, for all the hard work they have done for many of the translated wonders we can now play because of them. And for the respect, friendliness and help that many of those individuals have shown me. I also give this translation to the public, for their support in hopes that they will give this little gem of a game a chance, and so they may enjoy a game that would otherwise not been accessible for them to play. I believe this quality of this project has turned out to be amongst the best of fan translations. It may not be a Square game, or Tales of Phantasia, or Star Ocean, but it is a good game in it's own regards and has received what I believe to be a quality translation approaching that of the aforementioned games. So, without further delay, I present to you Dual Orb 2 in English brought to you by Nightcrawler's Translation Corporation! Enjoy! 3.0 About the Game I think this is a very good RPG. It is rather linear, but it has great music, pretty nice looking graphics, and a very nice story. The characters are light-hearted and it simply a fun game to play! It has a very rare weapon system for RPG's. The weapons are upgradeable and have 19 levels. You can upgrade them in the blacksmith, or find them in treasure chests. Sometimes you can even get a cursed weapon at level -1! The game is HARD! When I say hard, I mean HARD! You will be begging for mercy from the bosses later in the game. The first half isn't that bad, it's the second half that'll get ya. If your sick and tired of today's cheesy easy RPG's, this game is for you! You'll definitely get a challenging experience. I'm definitely excited to be able to share my work with the rest of you and give you a chance to play something you otherwise wouldn't be able to! The patch is 100% and fully translated, but does have a few glitches mentioned in this readme! So enjoy the patch!! If you have any questions, comments, concerns or anything to say at all, feel free to post on my message board. If you get stuck in the game, the message board is the best place to go for help! You can find it all at: http://transcorp.romhacking.net Oh yeah, hey feel free to send me some supportive e-mails! It's tough to work on projects when you feel unappreciated sometimes. Appreciation gives us Rom hackers inspiration to continue! 4.0 Credits These are pretty short being I've been basically a one man team! haha Project Coordinator: Nightcrawler ROM hacker: Nightcrawler Translator: Akujin Script Editing: Akujin/David Mullen 5.0 What you will find in this patch: It's complete now, so you SHOULD find everything 100% translated! There are a few known issues though, mentioned below. You will also find myself, Nightcrawler, hidden in the game somewhere. I didn't change the sprites, so I am identifiable by text only. :) I will speak some humorous dialogue having to do with my 'wife' in the game, also in that location. I am married in real life for anyone wondering :) I have a wife whom has been very understanding over the past year and a half competing with Dual Orb 2 for my time! haha =) Sorry, there really aren't any other Easter eggs that I have put in the patch. I think the game speaks for itself and doesn't need any 'additions'. 6.0 Known Issues: 6.1 Original Game Bugs: 1. Kardosa Castle, Empty Windows after Sindra fight - After defeating Sindra, you may try to 'talk' to the lift control panel or ledge by the lava. The original game crashes here. The patch does not, but text windows are blank instead. 6.2 Known Patch Issues: None! 6.3 Non-Issues to Note: 1. Treasure Chest Weapons - Say you open a treasure chest and it says you got a Spear. It doesn't specify what level Spear it is. It's NOT supposed to. When you go to equip it, it will say Atk: ?. It's a mystery UNTIL you equip it and its identity is revealed! (Watch out for cursed weapons) 7.0 Special Thanks Special Thanks go out to these people for contribution and help in this project. Without you guys, this patch may not have been possible! (in no particular order) Special Thanks to: Princess Bongo' Byuu Jay Neil_ Koitsu ChrisRPG Gideon Zhi Wraith Draken Antiraid DarkForce Deathlike2 mziab All the guys who support me and my project on my message board! The guys at the Whirlpool! The guys on MO's Translation/Japanese board (on donut.parodius.com/mo/) And of course Mom and Dad! = ) For without them I wouldn't be here! :P I'm terribly sorry if I forgot anyone. I didn't mean to! I hope you can forgive me! I'll be sure to put you in the next patch release! : )