G.O.D.: English Language Patch V1.00 Introduction: Japanese Developer: Infinity Japanese Publisher: Imagineer Japanese Release: December 20, 1996 English Patch Production: Dynamic-Designs Dynamic-Designs Patch History: V0.99: Initial Dynamic-Designs release: April 1, 2018 V1.00: Updated Patch: May 8, 2018 Changes: Shaman Bun name fixed in the Bun Menu - Thanks akualung Bun Medicine description in the Bun King menu edited - Thanks Bwah117 Scarab Beetle bestiary description fixed - Thanks MariusB Edited some contradictory Mom dialog - Thanks someone (?) on reddit. Enemy named Damian changed to Damien - Thanks Bwah117 Clarification to "Duck-Duck" psycho description - Thanks Bwah117 A few typos fixed and some text improved- Thanks Bwah117 Fixed a line break with a sign in Snow Village - Thanks SylarDean Fixed empty space on "Special" screen in battle from showing random descriptions - Thanks Bwah117 Fixed cursor position in the Chakra Command screen - Thanks Bwah117 Fixed characters not reviving in battle - Thanks to many people around the web. ;) Fixed a situation where Ai's text did not display when visiting her grandmother. - Thanks Bwah117 Fixed a few more bun names in the bun menu - Thanks Bwah117 Dynamic-Designs Production Credits: Project Coordination: Draken Hacking/Tools/Bug Fixing: Bongo' Assembly: Bongo' Translation: Melonseller, Filler Fonts: Taskforce Graphics: Taskforce/Bongo` Editing: Draken Editing Support: Bwah117 Beta Testing: Bwah117, MariusB Splash Screen: Draken Game Description: The game centers around the character of Gen, who wakes up in the middle of a post-alien apocalypse world. After awakening a mysterious power inside his brain, he travels the world in search of others like him, and he makes it his mission to defeat the aliens. (purposefully sparse to avoid too many spoilers) G.O.D. is a typical turn-based RPG in which Gen travels the globe. On his journey, he'll go to real-life geographical locations, meet historical figures, and learn a series of special abilities to help him take on the aliens. The game is FULL of puns and jokes, and it breaks the fourth wall on occasion. Note that this humor is present in the ORIGINAL game; however, in some chases changes had to be made in order to localize the humor for the English language. Production and Testing: This game's production started way back in 2014 when Bongo` approached me with another project he wanted us to work on. I agreed to coordinate, and we quickly had Melonseller on board to work on the translation. Translating was no easy task, but Melonseller was able to tackle the majority of the material, working hard on getting accurate translations despite the numerous cultural references and puns throughout the game; however, over time, we lost contact with each other, and production slowed to a halt. Some time later, Filler agreed to continue where Melonseller had left off, and many years after the project began, we finally had a completed script. The script for the game contains numerous NPCs, items, monsters, etc. which were taken from history or cultures from around the world. This required hundreds of hours of research on my part to better- understand the nuances of the script. I have never spent so much time doing research for a project, and it was actually quite a rewarding experience to learn so much. In addition, the script was EXTREMELY dry in places, so dialogue had to be fleshed out in order to provide a better experience for gamers. Note that I tried my best to keep dialogue in-line with the original message being conveyed, and I did so with permission from those who helped translate the game. Bongo' did a great job as always tackling bugs, ripping graphics, dumping/inserting text, etc. All this work was done while he went back to school, worked a job to support his family, looked after his kids, etc., so I want everyone who plays to know that even with all the pressures and responsibilities of real life, he still made time to work tirelessly on this great game. Before pushing the game into beta, Bwah117 was so gracious as to agree to test the game and lend a hand at editing the scripts. He went above and beyond all expectations, working quickly and methodically to ensure the story was succinct and without any errors or typos. The project definitely could not have achieved such a polished state without his efforts. Testing for the game was conducted swiftly and carefully by Bwah117 and MariusB. They provided a great service to D-D, and helped us get the game out to the public much more quickly than I thought possible. This is the final project I will produce, and it's now time to head into that comfortable armchair we call retirement. I simply do not have the luxury of time that I once had, nor do I see any other SNES games that I really WANT to put the time into. However, I'm extremely proud of the work done on this game (and other projects), and I'm very grateful to have worked with so many kind and talented people over the many years. I got started in this hobby way back in 1996, and it has been a wonderful ride! -Draken- Known Issues (SLIGHT SPOILERS): 1. When combining buns in the bun screen or when visiting the Bun King, you will sometimes encounter different results. Not sure if this was originally intended. 2. Usually item discovery strings have been written for each chest you open, but on a few occasions, they draw from one particular string. It was near-impossible to account for countable/uncountable nouns, so there are a few occasions where the grammar of the sentence will state you "found the" instead of "found a/an". 3. There are times, particularly after selecting yes/no, when the line of text will adjust upwards slightly before clearing, instead of simply clearing. 4. After the final boss, there is a particular NPC who will continue to "move to the side" if he is spoken to repeatedly. 5. After you use the "Declaration of Rights" to obtain the Gold Levistone, if you return to the House of Salvation and speak with this NPC, he'll give you another one. A similar bug seems to also occur with the Myaa Wine in Myaa Town. 6. Stonehenge location name will not appear when entering, but will show when you leave the bottom of the maze. 7. The Nostradamus Quote before the "real" titled screen lacks ending punctuation and should really have a comma after "1999". Sadly, there was no remaining space, so it will stay as is. 8. Equipping a "Cleaner Suit" won't stop the poison status effect from the "purple" ground in the Great Pyramid and southern most pyramid in Egypt. It will disappear though once in battle. 9. There is a chance that IF you return the ship to Glover, it will still be accessible on the map. Could not reproduce, so unsure if you will be affected. 10. Some graphics (signs/special attacks) were left in Japanese intentionally. 11. There's a point in the game when Batty gets a part-time job in New York. Later, his sprite is gone, but if you search the same spot he was standing, his text will still display. 12. In Luna City, if you try to leave after getting about halfway through the area, the game will bug out and hang. 13. If you cast Analyze on Duck-duck, his HP (part/whole) is reversed. 14. Leveling gets a little broken (in your favor) at higher levels when the Sun and Joy Chakras are linked. 15. Having everyone cast Sing-Song-Sung one round, followed by Gaia Block Ω the next round causes things to get sluggish. Probably a vram issue. Patching: Contained within this archive are an IPS (international patching system) file or a patch file in another format for the end user's convenience that when used in conjunction with a ROM file will make the game playable in English. Do note that these patches are a result of countless hours of love and labor. Hence, they are not meant to be sold at any price under any circumstance, be it in digital form or burnt into a donor cart's ROM chip. To patch the ROM file, one needs to procure a patcher for the preferred format, a widely available class of programs, many of which can be found at www.romhacking.net for one source. A few can even be found on our download page for your convenience. At some point, ROM sites may upload pre-patched ROMs of our G.O.D. translation. Obviously, D-D cannot endorse playing these versions, nor will we support resolution of any associated problems. Moreover, pre-patched ROMs may float around the web for years. Only by downloading patches containing just our original work from D-D's web site may gamers obtain revisions to these patches - if any - and take advantage of possible bug-fixes and corrections. Below is the information pertaining the ROM file our patch requires, according to Nach's SNES ROM Tools: ---------------------Internal ROM Info---------------------- File: Mezame(J).sfc Name: G.O.D Company: Imagineer Header: None Bank: LoROM Interleaved: None SRAM: 64 Kb Type: Normal + Batt ROM: 24 Mb Country: Japan Video: NTSC ROM Speed: 200ns (SlowROM) Revision: 1.0 Checksum: Good 0x99DA Game Code: AGDJ ---------------------------Hashes--------------------------- CRC32: 4D2CE16F MD5: ED35A998C76D415C518CDEE1959D2AFA --------------------------Database-------------------------- Name: G.O.D - Mezameyo to Yobu Koe ga Kikoe Country: Japan Revision: 1.0 Port 1: Gamepad Port 2: Gamepad Genre 1: RPG Genre 2: Unknown *Also take SPECIAL NOTE that the original rom lacks a header. You may have to remove the header from your ROM file, but don't worry as there are a variety of programs that do this, such as SNESTool, Smile, Toolbox, etc. Size before patching: 3.1 MB (3,145,728 bytes) Size after patching: 4.2 MB (4,194,304 bytes) Alternatively, most emulators support a feature called soft patching, which keeps the ROM file intact, merging the patch data only during run time. To make use of it, make sure both the ROM file and the IPS are on the same directory as your emulator of choice and have the same name, but not the same extension. Do note that this is case-sensitive. (Also, do note this soft patching is only available using the IPS patch file, and may NOT work with the other patch file formats.) e.g: GOD.smc and GOD.ips will trigger soft patching at the emulator's run time. Emulator Compatibility: The game should behave itself properly in a wide range of emulators, but has only been fully tested in Higan and Snes9x. Zsnes should be avoided. Though the game is fully playable from start to finish in Zsnes, the dialog text display box does not write margins correctly, so it will not look 100% as intended. In addition, Bsnes should also not be used as, for some reason, it creates a blurry effect on fonts used in the game. Special Thanks: To the families of all members at D-D and everyone involved on this project. Thank you so much for putting up with us and allowing us the time to work on this great hobby! Readme 2018 Dynamic-Designs