Fire Emblem 4: The Genealogy of Holy War Translation- Version .25 J2e Translations --------------------------------- Contents 1. Translation History 2. J2e Staff - And Others 3. What We Did So Far 4. What Needs To Be Done 5. Known Bugs 6. Applying the IPS patch 7. Special Thanks --------------------------------- 1. Translation History Stove worked on it, stopped. Tiger Claw worked on it, stopped. STove worked on it again, and so did Tiger claw. They realized they were both working on it and worked together. Jay joined, and with his super-nifty powers, cracked compression, found tables, made inserters, etc. etc.. Tiger left, Jay left, STove all alone again. Help stove.. help him.. :) --------------------------------- 2. J2e Staff - And Others Jay Asm Hacker Stovetop Hacker RukesReise Translator Nuku-Nuku Translator Lost One FE4 References Tiger Claw Hacker --------------------------------- 3. What We Did So Far -English VWF Inserted -Compressed menu font, hacked! -First 2 chapters inserted. -Most menu work completed. -Names, items, places, etc have been completed and inserted. ***Note, with what is done currently, the game is very playable and this patch is a nice preview of what's to come. --------------------------------- 4. What Needs To Be Done -Dialogue translations -More menu work -Introduction Dialogue -Beginning Chronology -Save state status -Shopping menus -other stuff... --------------------------------- 5. Known Bugs Just the opening menu, that's kinda glitch, but it's Zsnes's fault, not ours! Snes9x does it fine. --------------------------------- 7. Apply The Patch If you are having trouble apply the patch, please read the doc on our webpage. Here is the link for you lazy folks. --------------------------------- 8. Special Thanks Necrosaro -Support Anus P - '' Mage - '' ANyone else who gave me support (i need it!!!) ~stove