-------------------------- | Hanjuku Heroes | -------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Unofficial English Translation + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + October 17th, 1998 - Version 0.01 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * Note * - Please do NOT distribute the patch file without this file, since it contains important information. This is an UNOFFICIAL English translation of HANJUKU HEROES, an RPG created by SQUARE of Japan. SQUARESOFT never released it in English, for some reason. To get the latest versions of Hanjuku Heroes or any of our other great translations, go visit the RPGe Home Page, at http://fx.ml.org/rpge/. ---------------------------------------------------------- C O N T E N T S ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. What's New? 2. Introduction 3. How to play 4. Credits and Special Thanks 5. RPGe 6. Disclaimer ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. What's New? ---------------------------------------------------------- v0.01 (10/17/98): - First public release - Font replaced - Some menus translated ---------------------------------------------------------- 2. Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------- Hanjuku Heroes is a not-too-serious war simulation created by Squaresoft. It was one of Squaresoft's earlier games for the SNES, evident from the fact that the characters look a lot like the characters in FF4 and Romancing SaGa 1. So just how weird a game is it? Well, hanjuku is a Japanese word that means a way to cook an egg between hard- boiled and sunny-side up (sort of like "Medium-boiled"). The game involves a lot of eggs and really weird monsters. ---------------------------------------------------------- 3. How to Start ---------------------------------------------------------- The archive includes an IPS file. The IPS file is to be applied to ROM images acquired from somewhere else, and it's up to you to obtain it. First, you need a copy of the Hanjuku Heroes ROM image, and an IPS patching program. An easy-to-use patching program for MS-DOS based systems, IPS.EXE, can be obtained at RPGe (http://fx.ml.org/rpge/archives/). This patch must be applied to the ORIGINAL, unmodified ROM. To use IPS.EXE with the Hanjuku Heroes patch, get yourself a DOS prompt and type the following: IPS HHEROES.SMC HH-V001.IPS Replace HHEROES.SMC with the filename of your ROM image. After you've patched your ROM image, load the game inside your favorite SNES emulator, and you should see the title screen. You're ready to start. ---------------------------------------------------------- 4. Credits and Special Thanks ---------------------------------------------------------- Hanjuku Heroes was worked on by the following members of RPGe: maht : Translation ---------------------------------------------------------- 5. RPGe ---------------------------------------------------------- RPGe is a internet-based group of semi-intelligent people who like to share their hobby, to translate video games to English, with the world. The following is a list of the members of RPGe: - MagitekKn President - harmony7 Web Site Maintainer - Barubary - Stories - DarkMazda - CrazyBred - Dibz - maht You can reach us at http://fx.ml.org/rpge/. If you need to send e-mail, direct it to rpge@fx.ml.org. If you need to contact a specific member, see the feedback page at the RPGe web site. ---------------------------------------------------------- 6. Disclaimer ---------------------------------------------------------- Hanjuku Heroes and all other likenesses are copyright Square of Japan. (c) 1998 RPGe There is no video game company or any other company associated with RPGe. In no event shall RPGe be held liable or responsible for any damages that may occur from direct, indirect, or consequential results of the ability or disability to use or misuse any material it provides.