Jerry Boy: English Translation (8-8-2001) ----------------------------------------- By: Chris Covell (, with lots of help from Mina Takahashi. Status: 101% (I changed "CONSTLUCTION" to "CONSTRUCTION". :-) Required: ROM of "Jerry Boy" for the SFC; NO HEADER, ie: 1048576 bytes. IPS patching utility (such as IPS, SNESTOOL...) The included IPS file. Instructions: Learn what IPS patches are and do the patching yourself! This is an English translation of a fun little platform game for the SNES/SFC, called Jerry Boy. It came out in America as "Smartball"; however, the US version had had several scenes taken out of the game. The Japanese version of Jerry Boy had an introductory sequence which established the story. In addition, there are towns throughout the game that you can visit, including a desert town, angel village, ice town, and forest cabin. You go through these towns and talk to people, who carry the storyline along. There's even one scene where you can get swallowed by a huge whale and talk to the folks trapped inside. All this was taken out of the American version. X-( (Incidentally, a sequel to Jerry Boy, called Jelly Boy 2 (don't ask) was almost released in Japan. Beta versions of the ROM are floating around the Internet, so check it out! Not a bad sequel.) So, I managed to get a cartridge of Jerry Boy for the Super Famicom. It was so fun and engaging (in a simple platformy way) that I decided to translate it to English. This is my first translating project ever, but it wasn't that hard to do. I started by locating the game's font and Japanese text. I then wrote a quick little program (in C) that converted the encoded Japanese characters into a romanized alphabet. This helped the translation out, so that I could print out the text and take it with me on my vacation. :-) Next, I started translating the text (with many references to a Japanese dictionary), and I enlisted the help of my friend, Mina Takahashi. I got ahold of a suitable 16x16 Roman font, colourized it and gave it an outline, and bunged it into the CHR space. After that, it was just the laborious task of putting in the text and re-wording it to make it fit in the constrained space of the screen. Last, I tried to find some place to add my name briefly. (The game is programmed tightly, so it was a little difficult.) I eventually decided to put it on the title screen, and so I had to figure out how THAT text was stored. The text is a bunch of sprites, so I had to experiment with a few things until I gave up and simply changed the CHR graphics again. I've given the game a couple of runs through, so it should be error-free. I even fixed up a couple of graphics bugs that were in the original game. There is a bit of text (which I've also translated) that I never encounter playing the game. There seems to be an alternate ending; does anybody know how to access it? Or, was it taken out of the production version? If you spot any errors or problems in my translation, please let me know. --- BONUS: Here are some SNES Game Genie (and Action Replay) codes which I've made for Jerry Boy. Invincibility: GG: C2C0-DDAD AR: 00A043AD Infinite Lives: GG: C2BB-076D AR: 00919EAD Mega-Jump: GG: E1C4-07AD AR: 00A12FF6 --- You should be able to find the latest version of this translation patch at my homepage: If my homepage isn't working, e-mail me at Feel free to check out my homepage! It has lots of things that might interest you. -- Thanks: To Epic/Sony/Game Freak/System Sacom for a cute and fun game! Mina Takahashi, for all your help. Ai shiteru! Anti-Thanks: To Sony Imagesoft for cheaping out on us Westerners. Nintendo, for your censorship which rears its ugly head again. That is all... EOF.