====================================================================== SQUARE'S TRANSLATION ====================================================================== Live A Live Patch {v0.01} March 1st 1999 ====================================================================== *IMPORTANT* We ask you NOT to distribute the patch without this file, as it contains useful and required information concerning the project. Welcome to Square's Translation's first official release of the Live A Live translation patch. Live A Live is a game produced by Squaresoft in September 1994. Unfortunatly, it never saw a release outside of Japan. It was also released in the shadow of Final Fantasy 3{6}, and therefore did not look impressive with it's Final Fantasy 5 - type graphics. What the game really is is 8 mini-RPG's crammed on to one 16 meg cartridge. Each RPG carry's a different storyline and are set in different time periods. The only thing that remains the same in all 8 is the battle system. The ability to move around a square battle arena in turn-based style really revolutionised Square games to come. We have begun this translation so that people will realise the quality of the game, and it will not be forgotten. For the latest installement of the Live A Live translation patch, or that of 'Rudra no Hihou' or 'Treasure Hunter G', visit Square's Translation's home page at: http://www.pcpages.com/square ====================================================================== CONTENTS ====================================================================== 1. What's new? 2. Project information 3. Project Staff 4. Square's Translation 5. Disclaimer ====================================================================== 1.What's new? ====================================================================== v0.01 {March 1st 1999} - Some menu screens translated - Some fighter names in the Fighting Scenario translated -Some moves in the Fighting Scenario translated -Font changes completed -Created this file -Still contains bugs ====================================================================== 2.Project Information ====================================================================== The Live A Live translation project was begun by Dark Lich at the beginning of February 1999. Soon after he was joined by Avox, who completed the font changes. The search for an Advanced ROM hacker to do a script dump began, and it didn't take long for Jotted to take an interest in that area of the project. Towards the end of February 1999, members of the somewhat 'dead' Transrelic, met up with Dark Lich and Tiger Claw to discuss forming an all new group, with translations of 3 Squaresoft games going on{ Live A Live, Rudra no Hihou and Treasure Hunter G}. They finally came up with 'Square's Translation', a group set out to tackle the very best of the untranslated Squaresoft RPG's. Dark Lich, assisted by his Japanese friend 'Kaze Yagami', are attempting a perfect script translation. As far as we know, there are no other 'Live A Live' patches with ANY kind of progress on the internet, so enjoy! ====================================================================== 3.Project Staff ====================================================================== Here is a list of the current staff members of the Live A Live translation project. To get on this list in future releases, we would appreciate your assistence whether it be in ROM hacking, translating, or anything else you can think of, visit our home page. Dark Lich - Project founder, ROM hacker, Japanese Translation Avox - Co - founder, ROM hacker, Font changes Jotted - Script dump, ROM hacking adviser Kaze - Advanced Japanese Translating assistence Thanks to:- Chrono Jay Maxim Tiger Claw ====================================================================== 4.Square's Translation ====================================================================== Square's Translation is an all - new translation group, currently translating 3 fantastic Squaresoft RPG's. It's website is being maintained by Tiger Claw and Lost, and it's projects are lead by Dark Lich, Chrono and Krusader. We are always looking for new members so visit our home page if you are interested. Square's Translation Staff: Tiger Claw - Website Maintainer Dark Lich - Project Leader, ROM hacker, Japanese Translator Avox - ROM hacker Jotted - ROM hacker Kaze - Translating assistence Chrono - ROM hacker, Japanese Translator Krusader - ROM hacker Maxim - Website Assistence Lost - Co - Website Maintainer ====================================================================== 5.Disclaimer ====================================================================== All trademarks used are copyright of their respective owners. Square's Translation is not affiliated in any way with Squaresoft. {c} 1998 Square's Translation Square's Translation is an unofficial translation group and we are in no way affiliated with Squaresoft inc. , we shall not be held responsible in the unlikely event of our products causing damage to your computer, from direct, indirect or consequential results of any misuse of the products we provide. This Readme file was compiled by Dark Lich, leader of the Live A Live project at Square's Translation( some changes made by Tiger Claw). ©1999 Square’s Translation