-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=Mystic Ark English Patch =- -=-=-= Alpha 0.01 Version =-=-=- -=-= By: Magus =-=- -= http://www.chocobo.org/~Magus/ark.htm =- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CONTENTS AND THINGS 1.0 Packing List 1.1 Instructions for using 1.2 What's been changed 1.3 Help Wanted 1.4 Disclaimer BS 1.5 Thank yous -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1.0 PACKING LIST (Inside the Butcher's Bag) The zip file *should* contain: ark.ips The English patch for Mystic Ark (Duh!) readme.txt This bad boy you're reading right now. ;p -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1.1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING (For those who ride Eddie's bus too often) It's, like, really easy. Unzip the contents of the myst-ark.zip file into the directory that contains your Mystic Ark Rom and, at the Dos command line, type in: (assuming you have IPS.EXE...the syntax is different for other, more compex [and useful ;p] tools like UCon) ips ????????.??? ark.ips where ????????.??? is the filename of the Rom. (don't bother asking me for the Rom, there's a link to the bloody thing on the "Mystic Ark Translation Project Homepage" (http://www.chocobo.org/~Magus/ark.htm)) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1.2 WHAT'S BEEN CHANGED (Like, Oh my God! It's like...) (*'s indicate recent changes) 8x8 & 12x10 FONTS So far, only the 8x8 and 12x10 font tiles have been changed. (You can give your character an English name now...whoo-hoo! The menus and some of the spells have been translated, and I'm _beginning_ on the items. *The IPS patcher has been removed from this package to save DL time and bandwidth (yes, this server needs all the bandwidth optimization it can get) IPS patcher now sold seperately. ;p *A few more items have been fixed up, but I mainly made alot of cosmetic changes...so not too much more's actually translated. I figured it was best to post this somewhat-insignificant update just to re-assure you all that I am A) Not dead after all, and B) That I'm not "quitting" already ;p Sorry for the delay, but college, friends, and all that neat-o crap comes first. ;p Oh yeah...the pace should be picking up, now It's only an Alpha release, so did you expect much more than this? That's what I though...now quit your whining...it's just here to whet your appetites and prepare you for what's to come... ;) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1.3 HELP SECTION (Come, help drive the short bus!) Actually, all the seats on Tardbus Express[tm] are currently taken, but may change as time goes by... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1.4 DISCLAIMER (Read if you're a trigger-happy, pompous-assed...) This project or its author is in no way affiliated with Enix, and the author assumes no responsibility for misuse, abuse, or rabid maulings that might arise from using this product, by either the product, those who use it, or those who merely observe it doing its thing. So if your computer blows up in your face, cope. ;p Mystic Ark and 7th Saga are registered trademarks of Enix. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1.5 SAY THANKS, EDDIE! GIVE 'EM A BIG-OL' SLOBBERY KISS! Thanks go to these guys/gals/whatevers: RPGe and DeJap - for providing clear & useful how-to docs BiGWeiRD (or however the hell it goes) for making the awesome X-Char utility that so many people seem to hate (actually x-char 2.??? [the one I still use] is far better than 3.0, IMO. ;p Lord Esnes - for spawning what I consider to be the best Snes emulator available right now. Those guys who made Hex Workshop, for obvious reasons. The folks who made SnesTool...without which, this translation project would not be (x-char has a bug in it that causes it to crash if a file 4 megs or larger is loaded...heh, like Mystic Ark, unless you use SnesTool to split the sucker before you edit, then stitch it back together when you're done. ;p) Actually, I could always write a program to split files, but doing so would only delay this project, and we wouldn't want that, right? ::Gestures towards a 7 foot, 500lb black guy with a large club:: I didn't think so. And all the others I probably forgot... >:) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Um yeah, that's it...Enjoy. (what little there is of it) /\\/\\agus >>>>>>534154414E-4953-594F5552-465249454E44<<<<< <<-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-<<>>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=->> / "What would we do without our assholes?" \ \ - Tori Amos - / / \ \ My NEW Humble Abode(tm) / / http://magusprime.home.ml.org \ \ / / And so begins the translation of Mystic Ark \ \ / <<-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-<<>>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=->>