-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 7th Saga 2: Mystic Ark -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "For every action in life there is a reason, it doesn't matter what he reason is, it's still a reason." - Cupid I. How to use the patch. II. Progress. III. Credits. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I. Snestool o This util is fairly straight forward to use, here are the procedures o type 'Snestool' press 'Enter' o Select 'Use Ips' o Select the file you want to use the patch on (7th Saga 2) ***Make a Back up of your original rom*** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- II. Progress |Current version 0.06| o Menus - All menu options now have been expanded o Naming Screen o Intro (some) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- III. Credits Cupid (phong@direct.ca) - Rom Editor (main one for this project) Steve (smokey1427@aol.com) - Translator Wyredragon (wyredragon@hotmail.com) - Translator Taskforce - just for being there...for the hell of it :)