PANIC IN NAKAYOSHI WORLD English Translation Patch version 1.00 There should be three files included in the distribution ZIP file: NAKAYOSI.IPS -- the English translation patch NAKAYOSI.TXT -- the English instruction manual README.TXT -- this text file You may distribute the packaged ZIP file as long as it is in no way modified or sold for profit. It is not our game; we've only translated it. Therefore we cannot accept profits or let anyone else do so. If you catch anyone else violating these terms, let us know at the website address below. From the team at "Project: Sailor Moon" (PSM), thanks for downloading this patch! There are two ways to use it: 1. Use a patch-application program ("IPS-WIN", etc.) to apply the patch file to the game file. (Make a backup of the game file first!) 2. If you use ZSNES, just put the patch file in the same directory as the game file and ZSNES will automatically patch the game in RAM when the game starts, leaving both files intact. Because this was our first translation, and because technical constraints kept us from saying everything that's going on in the game, we've decided to write an English instruction manual from scratch to explain it a bit better. Enjoy, and thanks again! :) The Melody Maker, PSM Translation Department