____________________________________________________________ Record of Lodoss War (SNES) English Translation Patch Version 0.90 Created by: Lina`chan, Nuku-Nuku and Filia's Translations http://translations.animangarpg.org/ ____________________________________________________________ CONTENTS ____________________________________________________________ 1. Credits 2. Project History 3. Translation Notes 4. Legal Notice 5. Contact Information ____________________________________________________________ 1. Credits ____________________________________________________________ WEBMISTRESS: Lina`chan MAIN HACKER: aziwoqpd (James Perry) ENGINEER NOTES, SCRIPT DUMP AND BASE HACKING: F.H. (Frank Hughes) TRANSLATION COORDINATOR: Lina`chan MAIN TRANSLATOR: Filia AUXILIARY TRANSLATOR: Nuku-Nuku BETA TESTING: Dantares/Drakkhen Johansen Quijano Nanoblaze Spinner 8 ____________________________________________________________ 2. Project History ____________________________________________________________ On the summer of 1999 we held a translation poll at our site (http://translations.animangarpg.org) and Record of Lodoss War arrived in 3rd place. On November 25, 2000 F.H. released a Record of Lodoss War Technical document which contained information on how the game's text was stored as well as a dumped script and an extremely well detailed Engineer notes document. With all this done we had a fair advantage at our sight and we were able to carry out a very smooth translation job. Filia claimed this translation project for herself and got quickly into the business. After a few months she finished the first translation of the script. Meanwhile at the same time hacker aziwoqpd had revised F.H.'s documents and had written a new VWF routine for the game. After a couple of weeks the script was inserted and everything was fine, the first beta patch was sent to the Beta Testers and they played through the game. They noticed the lack for translation of townfolk, items and other assorted things. At this stage Filia decided to go over the script again as she had mis-translated a few bits of the dialogue. After she finished the main game script she covered the items and townfolk and the newly translated script was sent to the main hacker. So here is where we are, this time, we are releasing an uncomplete beta patch, which will eventually be finished, to the public. Please refer to the Translation Notes to see various notes on what the patch has and what it is missing. ____________________________________________________________ 3. Translation notes. ____________________________________________________________ *****WARNING!***** This patch is not complete and it has several things that are not translated. ****************** System Requirements: A SNES Emulator. (Zsnes or Snes9x are recommended.) A fresh Record of Lodoss War rom. (Don't e-mail us asking for one.) An IPS patching utility. (Find it on http://www.zophar.net) Translation Progress: Main Dialogue: 100% translated and inserted Townfolk Dialogue: 100% translated, a few misinsertions (The character will not say a thing.) Items: 100% translated and inserted. Spells: 100% translated and inserted. Battle Text: 100% translated and inserted. (A few are misaligned) Battle Menu: Not translated. Status Menu: Not translated. Overall Translation: 90% ____________________________________________________________ 4. Legal Notice ____________________________________________________________ Lina`chan, Nuku-Nuku, Filia's Translations' Record of Lodoss War RPG English Translation patch is not official or supported by Nintendo or any other entity associated with the "Record of Lodoss War" trademark or franchise. The Record of Lodoss War Patch is freeware thus it can be distributed freely provided the following conditions hold: (1) This document is supplied with the patch and both the document and patch are not modified in any way (2) The patch is not distributed with or as part of any ROM image in any format, and (3) No goods, services, or money can be charged for the patch in any form, nor may it be included in conjunction with any other offer or monetary exchange. The Record of Lodoss War RPG Patch is provided AS IS, and its use is at your own risk. Aziwoqpd, F.H., Lina`chan, Nuku-Nuku, Filia and anyone mentioned in this document will not be held liable for any damages, direct or otherwise, arising from its use or presence. ____________________________________________________________ 6. Contact Information ____________________________________________________________ Lina`chan, Nuku-Nuku and Filia's Translations Domain www: http://translations.animangarpg.org/ Aziwoqpd email: azip@lfx.org Lina`chan email: abner@lfx.org Nuku-Nuku email: canal@geocities.co.jp Filia email: filia@valgarv.freeservers.com F.H. www: http://travel.to/fh ____________________________________________________________