The Stories of Ihatovo Patch Version: Two English Translation Patch Information and Credits ----------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ----------------------- This patch is for Ihatovo Monogatari on the Super Famicom. The text and graphics have been translated from Japanese into American English. Two patching formats are provided, so you can use either .bps or .ips. (Do not apply both patches.) The patch has been updated to fix an error in the script. ----------- CREDITS ----------- Hacking and testing: DDSTranslation Translation: Tom Graphics: FlashPV ------------ Comments from DDStranslation, the hacker: I hadn't heard of this game until Tom mentioned it, but I am glad to have played through it, experienced it, and help bring it to English speaking players. It was a short and simple project to work on between other large projects. And it was also nice to work on an adventure game. I still managed to learn and try out new things while programming on it as well. Tom and FlashPV did such great work with it, and I would definitely love to work with them again. ------------ Comments from Tom, the translator: The phrasing and spellings in this patch may differ from existing English translations of Kenji Miyazawa's work. I didn't consult any of them while working on this translation. I just translated everything in the game as I saw fit. This translation project was a nice break from the usual RPG stuff. It's always a pleasure to work with DDStranslation and FlashPV. I'm looking forward to working with them on another project in the future. ------------ Comments from FlashPV, the pixel artist: With this game, Tom found another obscure one so it'll be a new discovery for many people (including me). As always with DDS, you can expect top-notch hacking. Tom has done a great translation too, and I was in charge of a few graphic changes. I think we'll work together again and I hope you'll like our work. Thanks for reading this.