Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium english patch Release 7 By sydra I had thought that I wasn't going to release another patch, but I ended up doing so anyway. New to this one is that the endings are finally done. Also, the team names were filled in, and the usual assortment of small things that I overlooked in the past. I suppose this patch can be called the penultimate one, even though it's unlikely there will ever be a final. Unless there is someone that can help me find the hex addresses for the blocky font to the left of the move lists under wrestler edit. If that can ever be done, I'll release another patch. Otherwise, this one will be the last. With the exception of that, I think it's time for me to stop translating stuff for now. At this point, it takes me entirely too long to translate to english and hex edit too. I'm slowly learning the Japanese language, and maybe I'll start up again eventually, if I haven't lost all interest by then. But for now, I must find anime, lots of anime. I never realized fansubs were so well done... Uhm, I have no idea why I'm still typing, I think I shall shut up now. It's a readme for a translation patch, not a current events story. :) Just apply the IPS patch to the rom with a program such as Ucon or SNES tool, and please don't distribute the rom already patched. As before, space constraints led to abbriviations, and creative alternate words. For example, many of the Japanese wrestler's names would not fit, so only last names were used instead. Other things to look out for: - Quite frankly, the endings suck. I TRIED to retain as much of the original meaning as I could, but I pretty much failed miserably. They are okay, I suppose, considering how little space I had to squeeze something into. I just made a few....creative changes. Luckily they aren't a major part of the game, but it just doubly convinced me to not bother anymore with the Sailor Moon RPG. - The color editing part is not so good, but I suppose it looks better than the japanese characters. But when you are only given 2 letters for words like hair and skin, there's just not much you can do. - I had a 16 letter limit with the move names, so it lead to some abriviations. Nothing too troubling though, jump is used instead of jumping, as is the case for most of the ing words. Breaker is more often seen as Breakr, and stuff like that. Some of the moves had very little to work with, so they are badly abreviated. Luckily this didn't happen too often. About the only examples are HL TD in place of Headlock Takedown, and BCL instead of Bridge Chin Lock. Not bad, considering how many moves there are. - Some problems occured in the Wrestler Edit section, but most aren't a problem in figuring out. Exceptions would be "NK" which stands for "Neck" and "nonpro" which I put in for amateur. - As I stated before, 18 names wouldn't fit at all. So I just made up names for them. I apoligize in advance for the use of some really tacky names. :) - With the CPU Logic, numbered items mean that higher the number, the later in the match they will be performed. I've noticed in the rom that there are even more hidden moves available, but I have no idea how to make them available (winning all 6 belts doesn't do it). Anyone have any idea how this is done? If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact me at This is a little FAQ section to cover a few things I have been asked more than once. Although, it hardly helps, I still get these same questions over and over... Q: Some of the graphics are messed up, such as Ken Shamrock's head. A: This problem is fixed, but you will experience it if you patch a rom that has already been patched. I asked people not to distribute the rom already patched, but they didn't listen, now you know why I asked them not to do so :) There is a fix patch available on my page. if you did not get this from there. Q: How do you preform moves? A: With most wrestling games in the US, you tap buttons as fast as you can, not so with this game. At the moment the two wrestlers lock up you press a button for a move, and that's it. It's a matter of perfect timing, but once you get used to it, it's a really good system. Q: I'm using SNES9x and I can't get it to save. A: SNES9x doesn't support 256Kbit sram, which is what SFPWXP uses. If you must use SNES9x you have to use real time saves in order to save. Otherwise, use Esnes instead, as it properly supports 256Kbit sram, and saves correctly. Note that snes9x will NOT allow you to unlock the hidden wrestlers, it's impossible. Q: How do I use the sram provided on your page with Esnes? A: Put the sram file in the same directory as the SFPWXP rom, and make sure they both have the same file name. Q: How do I make the hidden wrestlers/moves available? A: By winning all 3 belts in either singles or tag mode. This is somewhere around 100 matches in singles, and half that in tag. Thanks go out to: - BigWierd for his NES/SNES sprite editor XCHAR - BTFight for his english translations of the game - Tuffy George for translating a large amount of the moves for me. Saved me A LOT of work, as it's quite slow looking up every other word in the dictionary. He's done some other stuff as well, and has certainly been the biggest help with this project. - Som2Freak for his help with a few words I couldn't figure out. Also helped by translating the first ending for me. - JerichoXL for his explaination of unusual wrestling moves which was quite useful - Human for making a truly great wrestling game - _Riddler_ for...uhm...moral support :)