Shodai Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun [Original Hot-blooded Gangster Kunio] _____________________________________________________________________ Patch version- Alpha 2 (Technical update) Release date- 02/11/02 Group released under-Nekketsu Translations (Contact information is located at the end of the file) URL: Credits- Game modification- Javan Nguyen/"Laxidman" (Nekketsu Translations) Dialogue translation- David Fisk/"Casino_Kid" & E Tojimbara (Sellwood B-Boys) Secondary translation- Javan Nguyen/"Laxidman" (Nekketsu Translations) "Bengali" Additional translation-"Johnny Undaunted" Font Design- "Deltaflame" Javan Nguyen/"Laxidman" -Squished font Special thanks- Jeremy Beau/"Gohan" (Capsule Corp.) Garrett Polycarpe/"Door271" "HxSpawn" (sorry if the casing is wrong) "Tarot" "zalas" (zalas' translation domain) "LordTech" (Wakdhacks) Did you do something memorable and I happened to forget to put you in credits simply because my memory sucks? Email me. Alterations- Implemented compression for most of the text in the game Translated dialogue added (Credit to Johnny Undaunted) Translated dialogue removed (I forget why I removed some translated text, I think I was editing it) Translated menus and status screen Changed font Note- This patch is mainly aimed towards people who haven't already played the Alpha patch and are seriously wanting to play the game (with absolute zeal), the script is the same more or less. It's simply a replacement for the amateur-quality patches I had released a year prior. There are various grammarical and spelling errors throughout the script. Simply, I have not gone through and edited all of it since I prefer to get all of the technical problems out of the way. This is really not for the casual gamer. How to patch (#1)- I would suggest going to the various emulation websites out there (perhaps the one you got this patch from if you didn't get it from my site) and downloading SnesTool from their utilities section (or wherever they host their utilities). It is quite a nice and user-friendly utility that basically, should not require any explaination on how to use. How to patch (#2)- If you're not a fan of manual patching, then I would suggest using ZSNES's in-memory patching system. Simply rename this patch file to whatever your ROM's name is while keeping the file extension to 'ips' and you're set. Make sure the IPS file is in the same directory as your ROM. If you have the FAIRLIGHT introduction in the game make sure you patch with RmvIntro.ips before applying any of the other patches (Use method #1) Random questions/comments I figure I will get from people- Q:Why did it take you so long to release another patch? A:There are other things in my life I chose to do over game modifications. Off and on, I worked on this project. A lot of the new modifications in this patch came from the month I spent the majority of my time simply working on the game. Q:How much is translated in this patch? A:Dialogue file - 651/0694 entries (93.80%) Item file - 069/0110 entries (62.73%) Technique file - 030/0035 entries (85.71%) Location file - 045/0050 entries (90.00%) Miscellaneous file- 086/0124 entries (69.35%) Total- 882/1014 entries (86.98%) C:There are various grammarical and spelling errors spread throughout the rom and I see things like 'D042' a lot. A:It's an unedited script. If you weren't prepared to deal with it, then I would suggest waiting until the final patch comes out. Q:You advertised 98% before and now it's 86.98%, what happened? A:In the middle of my editing, I must've commented out some text or something. Stuff was added, stuff was removed. All I recall is that the first version of my insertion program reported 98%. Q:My game crashes. What's up with that? A:Read the section "Reporting bugs". Q:I remember it previously being called "Super Kunio-kun" and now it's "Shodai Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun". Can you explain? A:And I also called it "River City Ransom 2", these names were given when I had no knowledge of the actual title. As I'm nearing completion, I feel that I should show more class towards the project and go under the original name as instead of renaming it as some companies/groups have done towards their project. If anything, I plan on having the title in Romaji and maybe an english subtitle on the bottom when I work on the title screen. Q:I would like to bitch about the game modification/translation quality. How would I go about doing it? A:Don't. Apparently, you don't fit in the category of people I intended this patch be used for. Might I suggest waiting until the final patch? Q:I would like to offer constructive criticism. How would I go about doing it? A:If it's regarding the translation itself. Don't, it'll waste both of our time. If it's regarding technical matters, my email is at the bottom. Q:I would like to offer praise. How would I go about doing it? A:My email is at the bottom. Unless it's about a technical matter, I would suggest addressing the praise to Casino_Kid. Without him, I would've still been at Version 0.01. I'll make it a point to forward the email to him if possible. Q:If it's possible, I would like to help. How would I go about doing it? A:Designing a better 8x8 pixel font with the same shadow style as the current font. If you would like to translate and you are an experienced translator, email me and hopefully, you could assist me in later projects. Reporting bugs (Read 'Reporting bugs' section) Praise. Although I'm not doing this project for it, it does make me feel a bit happy knowing there's people who care. If it hasn't been already mentioned, email me and we'll talk about it. Q:When is the final patch going to be released? A:When it's done. Email me if there's a question that isn't listed here that you would like answered. Reporting bugs- Simply put, I'm only human. There may be bugs all over the place and I wouldn't have any idea about them. I've tested this as far as making sure that modifications didn't crash the game so there may be other problems that I haven't caught. Those who find bugs that have not been yet reported will be noted in the readme following the next release. If I receive five reports of bugs that I would consider to be actual bugs or one that crashes the game, I will release a bugfix patch. When reporting bugs, please be as detailed as possible and perhaps provide a screenshot or let me know if you have a ZSNES save state that I could work off of. What I'm looking for in terms of 'bugs'- Random text flying across the screen. Display being corrupted. Text that looks to be obviously messed up (example: "aaaa^ddsa%%") Game locking up *IMPORTANT Unusual things happening regarding text display and gameplay. what I'm NOT looking for in terms of 'bugs'- Errors regarding the dialogue. Text spillage. Contact information- Laxidman- ICQ UIN:1488076 AIM SN:Laxidman (Note- I'm rarely on AIM, I only get on when I need to speak to someone who doesn't use ICQ.)