Project Exile A Complete Thracia 776 Menu and Script Translation Thracia 776 has long been the FE community’s white whale, but not anymore. Project Exile is a full translation patch which affects all chapters, all menus, all items, all epilogues, the intro and outro crawl, the world map, and much more. It makes Thracia 776 playable in its entirety, and was created using the remnants of Kirb’s patch as a foundation and merging Zane’s menu translation with it (as well as receiving considerable technical advice from him). In addition, the script has been written from scratch, using a new translation done by myself. In the spirit of transparency, and to help disseminate this new translation more quickly, you can view complete PDFs of my translation here: Project Exile represents a grand collaboration between many people from across the world, none of whom have ever met in person. Our translation team consisted of people from throughout the United States, France, and Austria, who all pooled their expertise and talents to make this patch a reality. We hope you enjoy this patch as much as we enjoyed making it! Installation: PLEASE NOTE: If you would prefer a video guide telling you how to patch the ROM, Mekkah has one prepared: 1. Obtain an unmodified, cartridge ROM of Thracia 776. I cannot help you do this. Your ROM should have the following checksum values: File MD5 C3FD1CAD754256D7A013864D917F47FA File SHA-1 75B504921D08E313FF58150E40121AC701884517 File CRC32 FC519952 If you don't know what that means, this tool can help you: 1.5. If you have not already, download flips from here: 2. Extract your unmodified ROM, flips.exe, and ProjectExile104.bps to the same folder. 3. Open flips.exe. 4. Click the "Apply Patch" button. 5. Select ProjectExile104.bps. 6. Select your unmodified Thracia ROM. 7. Choose a filename for the new, patched ROM. This is the ROM you'll use to play Project Exile. Its checksums should now be equal to: ROM MD5 EEDD67FDD73A5F6D761DA46B9421EFDF ROM SHA-1 1BB7267A4B291EB107E18C7B69BB8131AD387DDF ROM CRC32 17F75FD7 IMPORTANT: If you receive an error message, it's because you tried to patch the wrong ROM. Make sure your ROM's checksum values are equal to those provided above. IMPORTANT: Not all emulators are compatible with Project Exile, because the ROM has been expanded. It will work with Snes9x ( ) and bsnes ( ) without any additional effort on your part. PE is also compatible with the ZSNES 8MB custom build ( ). IMPORTANT: If this is your first time playing Thracia 776, I HIGHLY recommend using the Unit Ordering Patch found in the Optional folder. Further Updates, Discord, and Contact Info: This patch is coordinated out of a Discord server. To keep up to date with the newest developments, join the Discord here: Known issues: - In the shop menu, certain characters of description text will temporarily remain on screen after moving the cursor to another item - The Sound Room is not yet translated To preempt some additional questions: "What's your stance on names from Heroes content?" If it's in mainline Heroes content OR was in Awakening, I'll use it. Names from Heroes supersede names from Awakening (so "Loptous" in favor of "Loptyr", for instance). However, this has one exception: names that were ONLY in the CYL poll for Heroes will be ignored. If this sounds arbitrary, that's because it is. Joking aside, though, with names like "Carrion" it's easy to get the impression that the CYL list was probably a rush job and shouldn't be taken as gospel. "What's your stance on Project Naga?" To be clear, I and my team have absolutely no involvement in Project Naga whatsoever. However, to avoid confusion, since most players will be coming from Project Naga's FE4, any names that were used in PN will be used here as well, provided they aren't contradicted by Heroes material (so retaining location names such as "Connaught" over "Conote", for instance). PN was how I was exposed to FE4 to begin with, and I think BoH and the PN team did a stellar job, so this is the least I can do. Thanks and Acknowledgments Translation, Script, and Text Insertion by Christo "Cirosan" Brittain Based on a patch architecture first developed by Kirb Incorporating Zane’s FE5 menu translation ROM expansion by Kirb and dn Project Lead and Translator: Christo "Cirosan" Brittain Lead Playtester: KrashBoomBang Programmers: Ando Christo "Cirosan" Brittain EnDavio HidoranBlaze Zane Avernathy Graphic Design: Ando World Map Editing: Ando Robert of Normandy Title Screen Design: EnDavio "The Ballad of Yied" written by: Sam Heitzer Script Feedback: Alan Smithee Bartz KrashBoomBang Miacis NitroAssassin524 ShikiLoveShikiLife Will "Shale" Uhl Additional Playtesting: Ves Yuiz Additional Programming: Miacis Additional Graphic Design: EnDavio Miacis Alliterative Crusader Exclamations: Cirosan Sam Heitzer Will "Shale" Uhl Special Thanks: Book of Holsety DDS Kirb Mekkah Shaya Zane Avernathy And everyone else who helped make this project a reality. Both Kirb and Zane have continued to provide me with technical advice, and I'd like to stress that this patch would not have been possible without them. This patch would not be possible without the ROM expansion performed by Kirb and dn, and I wish to thank them again. Have fun! - Ciro