Super Puyo Puyo 2 version 1.1 J2e translations --------------------------------- CONTENTS 1. TRANSLATION HISTORY 2. J2E STAFF 3. WHAT WE DID SO FAR 4. WHAT WE WOULD LIKE TO DO 5. KNOWN BUGS 6. OTHER THINGS TO KNOW 7. APPLYING THE IPS PATCH 8. HOW YOU CAN HELP 9. COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS --------------------------------- 1. TRANSLATION HISTORY Puyo Puyo is one of necrosaro's favorite games. Puyo Puyo 1 was released in English as both Kirby's Avalanche for the SNES and Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine for the Genesis, Game Gear and Master System, featuring characters from the Kirby and Sonic franchises. A directly translated English bootleg of the arcade version was also seen. Puyo Puyo 2 for the Neo Geo Pocket Color was released in English as Puyo Pop. necrosaro has been trying to hack the SNES port of Puyo Puyo 2, one of the best versions of this game, for several years with no success. Finally, with enough SNES assembly hacking experience and Snowbro's release of Tile Layer Pro, this labor of love is finally completed! Enjoy. --------------------------------- 2. J2E STAFF necrosaro -Project leader -Rom Hacker -Graphics and Script editing Tomato -Translator -Beta Tester Alexander Beetle -Translator Thanks: -Snowbro for making the WONDERFUL Tile Layer Pro program -Whoever made the original kanji table, I forget who did it --------------------------------- 3. WHAT WE DID SO FAR -All of the Japanese text and most of the Japanese graphics have been translated. --------------------------------- 4. WHAT WE WOULD LIKE TO DO -Replacing the voice samples with English is still a possibility. I don't know enough about the SNES's filters and compression to do this on my own (and SNESSOR doesn't compress some of the samples right). If you have any information please help! -There are a few miscellaneous graphics that I haven't bothered to translate yet. The only significant one will be when you fight Masked Satan, the others aren't too important. --------------------------------- 5. KNOWN BUGS -There are a few graphical glitches on some of the character portraits that were present in the ROM that I used. If anyone has or can dump a GOOD CHECKSUM copy of Puyo Puyo 2, let me know! -If you find any other bugs, please let us know. --------------------------------- 6. OTHER THINGS TO KNOW -This patch covers the ORIGINAL "Super Puyo Puyo 2" ROM, not the "Remix". I might make a patch for the Remix version sometime in the future if anyone asks. -The Japanese title is "Puyo Puyo Tsuu", a pun on the English pronunciation of 2, with the 'tsuu' kanji meaning 'continuation'. --------------------------------- 7. APPLYING THE IPS PATCH Download the Puyo Puyo 2 original rom, then make a copy of it if you would like. The get the patch "puyo100.ips" and then get SNESTOOL to patch the ips to the Puyo Puyo 2 rom. SNESTOOL is fairly easy to use. Just select "apply IPS" and follow the on-screen instructions. --------------------------------- 8. HOW YOU CAN HELP -If you see any errors in our script (bad spacing, bad text wrapping, etc...) or other graphical bugs, please tell us so we can get right on it! -If you have a good-checksum ROM, please let me know right away. --------------------------------- 9. COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS This patch was created through the hard work of the many people at J2e and we would appreciate it that you do NOT distribute the patched rom. You must distribute this patch with everything included in the ZIP file, including this file you are now reading! Thanks, and enjoy! If you ever want to challenge me in a Puyo Puyo match, SNES version (using ZSnes) or arcade version (using Kaillera), let me know and I'll take you on! -necrosaro (