SUPER ROBOT WARS 3 ENGLISH TRANSLATION V2.00m2 Copyright 2019 by Aeon Genesis ToC 1. About Super Robot Wars 3 2. Patch History 3. Patch Credits and Contributors 4. Known issues 5. Application Instructions 6. Optional Patches -------------------------- 1.About Super Robot Wars 3 -------------------------- Super Robot Wars 3 presents the series in a moment of awkward lanky teenaged growth. Quality-of-life mechanics that are standard in later entries, such as upgrade carryover and per-battle counterattack options, are not yet present, and the difficulty is far higher than is reasonable in a lot of moments. It nonetheless presents an important milestone within the series` growth, being the first game to have branching scenarios, unit upgrades, and pilot reassignment. It also marks the first real instance where licensed series fiction (mostly UC Gundam stuff) is integrated well into the overall plot instead of just being one-off stages here and there, and the final boss is one of the series` most memorable (if only for being absurdly overpowered.) --------------- 2.Patch History --------------- The SRW3 translation was originally released in 2002. This was before there were a lot of English resources on the included properties, and the patch reflected that: more than a few names were mistranslated. It also reflected my skill as a romhacker at the time; while several menus were expanded, more than a few things had to be truncated, the font was simply too big for what it needed to display, and my sense of proper aesthetics in things like chapter title displays needed refinement. The new version fixes all that, and looks much, much closer to the Super Robot Wars EX translation released a few months ago. In fact, since 3 and EX share an engine, I was able to port much of EX`s code to SRW3 without a whole lot of difficulty. June 24, 2019 - Version 2.00m2 Release --Fixes to the music persistence patch June 24, 2019 - Version 2.00 Release December 25, 2002 - Initial version 1.00 Release --------------- 3.Patch Credits --------------- THE SUPER ROBOT WARS 3 TEAM Main Team: Gideon Zhi - Project leader, romhacker TheMajinZenki - Translator Akujin - Translator Fei - Editor Mugi - Title Screen Special Thanks, in no particular order: Klarth, LordTech, Dark Force, Jair, Anus P, the MO Board Crowd, Bongo`, Neill Corlett, Taskforce, Nightcrawler, BMF54123 -------------- 4.Known Issues -------------- There are no known issues. -------------------------- 5.Application Instructions -------------------------- Quick ROM Info: 1.50 MB (12mbit LoROM) WITHOUT header. (*exactly* 1,572,864 bytes) No header. If using ZSNES, make sure that the patch has the same name as your ROM. In other words, if your ROM is called "srw3.smc" make sure the patch is "srw3.ips" okay? If you're using a Mac, a Mac IPS patcher is available. Check the AGTP Links page. If you're using a copier, you probably already know how to patch the ROM :) Be sure to apply the patch to a clean copy of the ROM, and make sure your ROM DOES NOT HAVE A HEADER!. If you right-click the ROM and select Properties, it should read "1.50MB (1,572,864 bytes)". TUSH will remove all of your headers for you easily, and you can find it at An easy way to tell if the game has a header or not is that if you apply the patch and the game does not boot, your game very likely does have a header. ------------------ 6.Optional Patches ------------------ Included with the translation is one optional patch, and an additional "undo" patch which will remove the patch's effects from your ROM should you decide you don't like it. The patch is entirely standalone and does not require the translation, so if for instance you decide you want Music Persistence in your Japanese copy of the game, you can apply that one patch and be on your way. MUSIC PERSISTENCE Super Robot War titles are strategy games, characterized by units moving around a map and attacking one another in special animated sequences, during which music plays from the player's (or boss's/Elzam's) unit's TV show, movie, OVA, etc. It's usually a theme song from the show's opening sequence, but since Masoukishin does not contain any licensed properties, they're all various theme songs written for the original characters that appear in the game. In later SRW titles, the unit's theme music will continue to play after the animated sequence ends and the game returns you to the map. This tends to make the games feel more exciting, as the music is generally designed to get the viewer invested in the show. Older SRW titles, however, would stop the theme music as soon as the animated sequence ends, and would start the map music over from the beginning. As a direct result, you never heard much of the robot's themes OR the map music unless you deliberately stuck around and waited to listen. The Music Persistence patch changes the music behavior in SRW3 to be more like the later games in the series. Once an attack sequence begins and a theme song starts playing, the theme song will continue to play until either the turn ends or a unit from a different series takes part in a battle sequence.