~Vocals of Phantasia Version .999~ ------------------------------------ ::Index:: I. Introduction II. Disclaimer III. Thank Yous and Credits IV. FAQ V. Instructions VI. Inserting your own Voice VII. Contact VIII. Other ::Sub Sections:: I. ~Introduction~ ------------------- Congratulations on downloading Vocals of Phantasia Version .999! This Document is best viewed under Notepad, Maximized and with word-wrap enabled. You obviously downloaded this because you wanted to hear the English voices in the game instead of the Traditional Japanese ones so that you may experience the full effect of the Game in a form closest to its US entirety. To make this short and sweet, I don’t have a lot to say, most of which I will in the thank you section. This Document was created under the assumption that you know basic windows operations. Please don’t try to attempt this if you are a novice. On one last note, when opening up the patching program, you will notice a brief delay before it actually opens, this is due to my limited knowledge of media as a midi plays while you are patching ^_^. Do not worry about it. Your computer is not frozen. II. ~Disclaimer~ ------------------ Disclaimer: I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING THAT MAY HAPPEN TO YOU COMPUTER OR WHAT YOU DO WITH THIS PROGRAM! MY HOST NOR I TAKE ZERO RESPONSIBLITY WHATSOEVER IF ANYTHING SHOULD HAPPEN THAT IS NOT DESIRED. IF YOU CANNOT ACCEPT THIS THEN DELETE THIS PROGRAM AND THE ATTACHED FILES FROM YOU COMPUTER IMMEDIATLY. IF YOU AGREE NOT TO HOLD ANY ONE EXCEPT YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE FOR DAMAGING YOUR MACHINE YOU MAY CONTINUE OTHERWISE DELETE EVERYTHING YOU DOWNLOADED NOW! III. ~Thank Yous and Credits~ ------------------------------- Credits: Sephiroth2 (vilerobot@hotmail.com) - Main Coder/Dis-assembler, without him NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE! THANK YOU SO MUCH SEPH! He deserves much of the credit. (http://just4fun.zophar.net/ - His translation Group) PepsiBeth, Lady Aino Minako, Android18, vivi, Taichou, JonFeilds (emails NA) - Dubbers, 2nd in command with wonderful work done by all of them. They deserve alot of the credit as well for all their hard work they put into this project and an extra round of cheers for loosing their voices the next day because they did it with so much emotion. Audigy (email NA) - Original Singer, She was our basis for the opening song that all the singers looked toward. We will never forget you :) Venoman (venoman@hotmail.com) - Produced first highly understandable dub for the song. Thank Yous: Android18 (webmaster@android18.net) - ROM hosting duties, Thanks for the space :) Swampgas (swampgas@zophar.net) - Offered me Web space to place up my Website! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Without it you wouldn’t see the site up as it is today. (http://www.zophar.net/) Groat (groat@zophar.net) - Was there whenever I needed him, placed news up regarding DUB and other projects while others filtered it out. THANKS FOR EXPOSNG US! Dejap Translations (emails NA) - The people to translated the ROMs text. Even though they may be cross with me because of past incidents, I wholeheartedly thank them for a wonderful job on the translation. (http://dejap.zsnes.com/) The ZSNES and SNES9X Teams (emails NA) - The wonderful Programmers of the Best SNES Emulators out there. Thanks for making them so I can test this without having to flash it every time :). Neill Corlett (email NA) - Warm Welcoming, allowed usage of UIPS in patcher. Darrok (email NA)- Assistant Programmer of VoP Dubber Pulsar Dragon (email NA) - Translation Helper on 2 of the last Dhaos Wav files. Thanks for helping us out :) couldn’t have done it without you. Eko (email NA) - MAJOR translation helper for a multitude of things including her translated and revised version of the opening song. Cait Sith2 (email NA) - Site Helper, message board fixer, conversation maker. Thanks for helping :) McGuiver (email NA) - C++ Help! Thanks so much! Website Helper as well. Frogacuda (email NA) - Encourager and mass criticism on DUB to improve. Lady Aino Minako (email NA) - Helped me out in times of need when I desperately needed someone to turn to. Without her, I might not be here right now. I just want you to know how much you’ve touched me. Xial (email NA) - Encourager, helper, administrator, person I turned to for answers. Dark Akuma (email NA) - Was around to assist me when I needed him - Dating tips :o ^_^ Osiris (email NA) - Pupil, admin in IRC channel I frequent in, Dating tips, fast learner and encourager :). Brandon B, Bill K, Brandon K, Mewmew, Momo, Vince, Tim, James, Leon, Radak, Roland (emails NA) - Great Friends, Stress relievers, DDR partners, Anime Sources, Great Conversationalists Message Board Members (emails NA) - Thanks for coming, visiting and talking :). My Family (emails NA) - Suppliers of food, TV, education, and Shelter. Thanks :) Rusty (IP NA) - My wonderful Computer whom ive had all my life. The reliable soul in which I've done this ENTIRE hack on, including testing it. If you are interested to see Rusty's specs see Section VIII. Byuu (email NA) - As much trouble as my "relationship" with him has caused, I admit he was a source of encouragement. Thanks for encouraging me. IV. ~FaQs~ ------------ Q. Where’s the ROM? I need to download it! A. You may check on Android18.net, Ill have a direct link under the GAME selection on my site's main menu. Q. I patched my ROM and I get a blank screen or my emulator freezes. What’s wrong? Are you trying to screw me over? A. Hardly, you just have a bad ROM. The ROM I dumped is guaranteed to work. See Android18's site (http://www.android18.net/)for a copy. Q. I don’t know how to patch my ROM with you program. How do I use it? A. Read my instructions after this section. Q. My computer seems to freeze when I run your patcher. YOU MONSTER! A. Your computer aint frozen, its just initing the midi card. Q. I want to put my voice in the game! Tell me how! A. Read section VI. Q. Is Miss Cleo for real? Come on... Tell the truth... A. Of course she is! Just like the Eskimo living in my Closet ^_^ V. ~Instructions~ ------------------- First things first, unzip the files to a directory. After that run the executable. Select the parts of the game you want dubbed! YES YOU DO HAVE A CHOICE! Isn’t it wonderful? Now if you’re a purist yet want Cless's skills done you can not dub the song or just dub the song or even dub just a specific character! The possibilities are plentiful! If you are unsure if your game will work after patching I highly recommend backing up your ROM. Simply press the check box. Once you have selected the patches you want input the location of your Tales of Phantasia ROM. Then press Patch! That’s it! Easy isn’t it! Now you can exit the patcher. If you are having problems please refer to the FAQ. VI. ~Inserting your own voice~ -------------------------------- YES IT’S TRUE! NOW YOU TOO CAN HAVE YOU AND ANYONE ELSE YOU WANT AS PART OF THE GAME! Simply download a voice pack, dub it and Ill send you a file back. In the dubbing program the click custom patch radio button and then click patch after selecting the ROM location. Then you game will have you in it! Note: Please be patient in me sending you a file back as I might have many other peoples patches to make as well. If you dont recieve a file back from me within 1-2 weeks then recontact me. VII. ~Contact Information~ ---------------------------- AIM: Gingo17* Yahoo: Gingo17 IRC: Gingo17 (newnet*, dalnet, efnet) MSN: Gingo17@hotmail.com Email:gingo17@zophar.net* Message Boards: Gingo17* (mainly mine) *s denote frequently on or frequent checks VIII. ~Other Information~ --------------------------- Now comes down to last bits of information. First things first however... My Computers Specs: Intel i486 33MHZ, 4GB HD, 36MB RAM, 1MB Video7 Video Card, 2X CDROM 256 Colors Max, SoundBlaster 16 ISA, OS:Windows 98SE, Interfaces: US Robotics 56k V90 Modem ISA; NetWare 10/100 MBPS Network Card. Mail me with your OLD computer's specs running things it obviously Shouldn’t be! I look forward to reading them! Website: http://topping.zophar.net/