Majin Tensei American English Translation Patch (Version 4) General Information and Credits ----------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ----------------------- This version three patch is for Majin Tensei on the Super Famicom. The text has been translated from Japanese into American English. The patch has been updated to fix a line in the Heretic's Manor that had a small chance of appearing as garble, an incorrect stat description for one of the items, a word that was left off of one of the Game Over screens, and an unformatted line in a fusion screen. Two patching formats are provided, so you can use either .bps or .ips. (Do not apply both patches.) Note: Not all of the Majin Tensei roms are compatible with this patch. It is only compatible with the version 1.0 Japanese rom. ----------- CREDITS ----------- Hacking and testing: DDSTranslation Translation: Tom Title screen graphics: FlashPV Beta testing: surt_r ZyloWolfBane Phantomknighttv CdMega ------------ Comments from DDStranslation, the hacker: It was good to work with Tom and FlashPV again on this last MegaTen game for the SNES. I tried to keep the modifications simple with this project, which should hopefully result in fewer bugs and stay in line with the minimalist style of the original game. ------------ Comments from Tom, the translator: Some people were disappointed that I chose to translate Majin Tensei II even though part one hadn't been translated, so I did this first entry in the series too (for the sake of completion). ------------ Comments from FlashPV, the pixel artist: I just had to draw a new title screen so it was not a big deal for me, but it's always a pleasure to work with DDS and Tom. Can't wait for the next project!