The Violinist of Hameln v1.00 J2E TRANSLATIONS --------------------------------- CONTENTS 1. TRANSLATION HISTORY 2. J2E STAFF 3. WHAT WE DID SO FAR 4. WHAT WE WOULD LIKE TO DO 5. KNOWN BUGS 6. OTHER THINGS TO KNOW 7. APPLYING THE IPS PATCH 8. HOW YOU CAN HELP 9. COPYWRIGHT PERMISSIONS --------------------------------- 1. TRANSLATION HISTORY Translation of The Violinist of Hamlin was actually one of J2e's first projects, but with the large demand over FF4, the amount of time dedicated to the translation of TVOH dropped to pratically zero, that is, until now. Over the past few monthes many assembly modifications have been made to the game, making this a high quality translation. --------------------------------- 2. J2E STAFF Anus P. -Programming -Script formatting -8x8 font designer Blasted 2 -Text replacements -8x16 Font Designer Necrosaro -Tool programmer UnaFarmer -Translator Chojin -Translator Luke Drelick -Translator Ballz -Graphic Designer -Beta Tester Sheex -Beta Tester Thanks: Dark Force (with programming concepts) Trainspotter (Misc translations here and there...) 3NA (Provided information regarding the spelling of names) --------------------------------- 3. WHAT WE DID SO FAR -Everything --------------------------------- 4. WHAT WE WOULD LIKE TO DO -Translate other games --------------------------------- 5. KNOWN BUGS -No known bugs as of yet, if you find any, please submit them. --------------------------------- 6. OTHER THINGS TO KNOW This patch is our final patch! Please download it and play it. We hope that you enjoy, also, make sure that the rom you use to patch has a header on it. Also, don't patch this patch over a previously patch rom, it WILL cause problems! --------------------------------- 7. APPLYING THE IPS PATCH Download the TVOH original rom, then make a copy of it if you would like. The get the patch "tvoh100.ips" and then get SNESTOOL to patch the ips to the TVOH rom. SNESTOOL is fairly easy to use. Just select "apply IPS" and follow the on-screen instructions. --------------------------------- 8. HOW YOU CAN HELP If you see any errors in our script (bad spacing, bad text wrapping, ect...) please tell us so we can get right on it! --------------------------------- 9. COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS This patch was created through the hard work of the many people at J2e and we would appreciate it that you do NOT distribute the patched rom. You must distribute this patch with everything included in the ZIP file, including this file you are now reading! Thanks, and enjoy! Final Note: Script and source code available upon request. email Anus P. (