Umihara Kawase translation patch v0.90 Contents ================================================================================ 1. Patch History 2. About Umihara Kawase 3. Controls 4. Issues 5. What doesn't this patch do? 6. Why, after all this time, are you rereleasing such a minor translation? 7. Patching Note A. Credits and Thanks B. Reminder 1. Patch History ================================================================================ v0.90 - 2/6/2007 - Replay system completely translated. - Game over graphic translated. - Title screen *not* translated. See below for details. - Idiocy removed. - Let's forget the previous versions ever existed. 2. About Umihara Kawase ================================================================================ Umihara Kawase is a platform game that was only officially released in Japan and enjoyed a sequel on the PlayStation. The title is derived from a Japanese cooking idiom meaning "sea fish are fat in the belly, river fish are fat in the back". The game is pretty simple. You control a girl with a rubber fishing line which you can use to attack and catch most of the various enemies in the game. However, its main use is to navigate through the levels. You can hook onto any solid surface, and mastering swinging from surface to surface is the key to getting far in this game. The game comes with an option to watch a replay of your progress once you lose. This feature is suprisingly sophisticated; you can store replays in several files and save them to the game's memory. It's this feature that has been translated. True, in this day and age, this feature has been completely superceded by the great ease of making gameplay clips and sharing with them others on the Internet, but the reason this translation was made was to bring attention to a rather unique and enjoyable game. 3. Controls ================================================================================ D-Pad : Move/Reel in line (up)/Loosen line (down) A : Jump B : Throw fishing line X : Jump Y : Throw fishing line L : Scroll screen left R : Scroll screen left Start : Pause Select: Not used. Operating the Replay System: First, you need something to replay. For the sake of this demonstration, play the game, lose all your lives, and return the main menu. Go into the replay menu, and select the option "Save". The save menu will list 10 files, representing the 10 lives you used. They're named FIELDxx, where xx is the number of the FIELD you died at. Anyway, pick a file and save it. Now, you can replay it. Leave the Save menu, and you can either Replay, Rename or Delete the file. I think it's pretty self explanatory from there. 4. Issues ================================================================================ None known at time of release. 5. What doesn't this patch do? ================================================================================ The title screen is left in the original Japanese. I think it looks better that way, but if anyone feels like producing a *good* English version, I'll gladly incorporate it into this translation. 6. Why, after all this time, are you rereleasing such a minor translation? ================================================================================ Umihara Kawase was my very first contribution to the translation scene, and it's nostalgic for me. However, I also produced this translation when I was a stupid high schooler, and it ended up being that I couldn't think back on it without cringing in embarassment. One thing that particularly bothered me was that I had altered the TNN logo graphic at the start of the game to a short message, and another was the really crappy hand-written "The End!" on the Game Over screen. I decided I couldn't put this translation on my current site without fixing this, and I thought maybe I could at least get this out there so that eventually only a few people will know that I was a dumb high school kid once. 7. Patching Note ================================================================================ Considering that not that many people will be playing this compared to titles like Tales of Phantasia or Shin Megami Tensei, I don't think I have to be very verbose here. You should know, however, that this patch was made for a ROM /WITHOUT/ a header. The size of an Umihara Kawase ROM without a header is 1,048,576 bytes. A. Credits and thanks ================================================================================ Translation/hacking: satsu Special thanks to: Kent Keltner, who brought this game to my attention. Akimaru, who helped me with some difficult parts of the translation as I didn't actually speak Japanese when the translation was first made. B. Reminder ================================================================================ Please DO NOT ask me or anyone else involved with this translation for a copy of the ROM. The distribution of this work as a prepatched ROM is strictly forbidden. This patch must also be distributed with this readme file. Copyright 2007 satsu, except for the bits I didn't do which are copyright to the people who did them.