Hola, my name is André Mena Calavia, known in Romhacking.net as RetGal, acronym of "Retro Galicia". --Background-- This Arcana translation is a project I wanted to acomplish long ago, and the first one of this kind I finish. As far as I know, there were at least other two Spanish translations: one from Lukas that is pretty good, and another one from Sinister that I did not check too much since it looked unpretty to say the least. Both of them, however, lacked one primordial thing: Spanish letters. You see, in Spanish (like in so many other languages) we have some special spellings that English has not: ¡, ¿, Á, á, É, é, Í, í, Ó, ó, Ú, ú, Ñ, ñ. Any quality translation must have these letters in consideration; at least, for my taste. So that, and since English games do not have any of them, I knew the focus of this project was mainly to find the tiles of the alphabet in Arcana's ROM and add the ones needed. I knew by a fact that this was possible, since there is a Portuguese Translation from Hexagon that has Portuguese letters not included in the original ROM. At the begining the process was really unproductive and demotivational, since I have close to zero studies of programation except for what I learn by doing; and there were nothing clear in the ROM that resembles any letter tile that I could spot, like other games have. So, I went and come a few times for months until I considered that enough was enough and asked help in RH forum. Other details and how I finished spotting and deducing how to modify the wanted tiles can be witnessed here --> https://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=30381.0 --What this patch really changes-- Summarizing: ♦ Complete translation, including story, menus, options, descriptions, names, and any translatable word in the ROM. ♦ Add the Spanish letters listed above. ♦ Recoding menus, "variable" sentences and others lines to make an accurate translation and give some order when the translation modifies length of words. ♦ Added some ending credits. ♦ Minor details like some tips in the Inn; useful information in weapon and spell descriptions; cover some plot holes (at least as much as I could with the provided space), etc. --What this patch does NOT change-- ♠ no change in movement speed, rate encounter or leveling up system. ♠ no changes in any given value (in characters, in monsters, in spells, in weapons, etc.). ♠ no music changes. ♠ no chest items replacement. ♠ in general, no other change than translation. --Compatible patches-- As far as I have checked: ♥ FastROM ♥ Multi Level-up ♥ Hardtype ♥ EasyType Unfortunately, the translation Spanish patch does not work properly with Seal of Rimsala patch; since there is also rewriten parts from the original version, there are some unintentional letters flying around words, as well as no information about leveled up characters. However, does not seem to be really troublesome and a compatible patch can be made in soon future. --Is this the final version?-- As far as I can say and after testing twice the whole game, there are still things to improve and fix, but major glitches have been fixed and mainly every English word translated. For now I need still to improve status state like "SLEEP" (they are in English, limited to 5 letters, not coded like other words and repeated a few times in a non intuitive way). Other minor fixes related with the work done need revision, but game is right now perfectly playable. Let's state, this is version 1.00, awaiting the 1.01 improvement. --Credits, or kind of-- There is nothing else much to say about it; just state my gratefulness to: ♣ Lukas, for being so nice to allow me to use his previous work as a base to work in mine. I need to state, however, that mainly every dialog, menu and description translated has been modified from his work, in order not only add the Spanish letters I missed in the first place, but also to make changes in ho the story as told, add useful tips and descriptions, and in general give it my own style (monster's names, jokes, coding to display graphics that were not included in the original dialogs, etc). Any of this can be checked comparing both .ips files, just for any curious one. But, in the end, this would have taken longer than it finally took thaks to Lukas and his giving, so once again thank you. ♣ Hexagon, for being his Portuguese translation the fact I needed that language tiles could be added and the motivation to continue this project by myself. ♣ the active members of the forum that helped me in the process: Sarah Shinespark, Raeven0 and torha. Thanks all of you for your tips, reading code lines I were unable to understand in the first place and also for your kind words. Special mention to Sarah, creator of Seal of Rimsala patch that I also used to add some of the changes included in this translation (mainly messages after drinking and eating in the Inn, and personal sentences for each character in battle... things that give the final project more personality than the original game). As well as the tips and help given for this project, of course. And that's all. I plan other things for this game in a future and unrelated patch, and also other SNES translations, but they will be announced in future. At least, I expect it! BTW, if you find any glich or want to mail me for reasons, you can do it through my Romhacking.net profile. Any update will be announced in a noticely way. Have a nice play. _____________________ UPDATE 10-may-2020 Version 1.01 • Fixed a bug that would mirror GP when dropped the amount of money in one or more digits. • Now title screen is fully Spanish. • "SLEEP" status is now "FRITO", the only thing so far related to sleepiness that I can come up with the tiles and space provided. • Changed HP, MP and LV for more Spanish PV, PM and NV. • Some lines and dialogues minor changes. ____________________ UPDATE 17-may-2020 Version 1.02 • Added new ending credit • Improved the way custom tiles are displayed • Some lines and dialogs polishing • Some coordinate-calibration in menues • Fixed ALMOST completely minor bug when money is displayed in stores. • Redrawn of punctuation marks. KNOWN BUGS OF THIS PATCH: ♠ When selling weapons, a few pixels of the last line can be seen when back to the shop. Still better than before, though. ♠ In Chapter 2, when facing an entrance with fog, if you turn left you can see briefly that there are a repeated tile of the floor on air. In emulator, if you remove BG1 you can see is already loaded this way. ♠ I think this happens in the original ROM, but if you die in battle with Rimsala the bottom part of the screen will not display what it should anymore; just reset to fix. ____________________ UPDATE 23-May-2020 Version 1.03 • Fixed known bug in chapter 2 • Other known bugs confirmed to be present in the original ROM • Some lines and dialogs polishing ____________________ UPDATE 12-May-2021 Version 1.1 • Fixed a destroying bug in the first bosses battles; after defeating a Guardian, the battle did not end and you could perform an attack, and eventually corrupting the screen when not becoming pitch black; this could be avoided performing a non-atacking move, like recovering magic or defending, but now the bug is solved and the battle finish as it must. • Some lines and dialogs polishing. • Checksum is now OK instead of BAD. ____________________ UPDATE 9-Sep-2021 Version 1.2 • Fixed bug in chapter 4 that, after Salah opens the locked door, produced a softlock in battles longer that one round. • Some lines and dialogs polishing.