Go for it! Goemon: The Rescue of Princess Yuki Translation Patch (Version 2) Version 2 Changes: - Fixed the message for Area 8's king if you return and talk to him again. ----------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ----------------------- ROM name: Ganbare Goemon - Yuki hime Kyuushuutsu emaki (J) (V1.2) CRC32: 6CD62399 This patch is for the first Goemon game on the Super Famicom. The text has been translated from Japanese into American English. Two patching formats are provided, so you can use either .bps or .ips. (Do not apply both formats of patches.) The target Japanese ROM must have a size of 1 MB (1,048,576 bytes), and have a CRC32 checksum of 6CD62399. If not, the patch will not work as intended. ------------------- SRAM HACK PATCH ------------------- In addition to the standard translation patch, there is also an additional patch included, based on the SRAM hack created by Akira76 for FlashPV's hack for Legend of the Mystical Ninja. If you would like this functionality, apply this patch to an unpatched Japanese ROM. This hack essentially takes out the tedium of writing down and entering in the passwords given by the Tourism agencies. Think of it as a password manager. When you visit an Oedo Tourism agency and ask them to write a journal entry for you, the password will be saved automatically to an .srm file instead of displaying the password on the screen. With this file, when you select Continue from the title screen and either of the options afterward, the password in the .srm file will be entered and submitted automatically. This hack only works for travel journal passwords. The shorter passwords used to skip to the start of an area are not supported in this hack. ----------- CREDITS ----------- Translation: Tom Graphics: FlashPV Programming: DDSTranslation SRAM Hack basis: Akira76