ROCKMAN & FORTE ENGLISH TRANSLATION V1.00 Copyright 2002 by Aeon Genesis ToC 1.About Rockman & Forte 2.Patch History 3.Patch Credits and Contributors 4.Known Issues With the Patch 5.Application Instructions ----------------------- 1.About Rockman & Forte ----------------------- Rockman & Forte is, at least as of this writing, the last "traditional" Megaman game (i.e. not a Megaman X title, not a Battle Network title, etc.) Released for the Super Famicom in 1999, well after the Super NES had unfortunately passed on in the US, it has never seen an official release in English. A few fan translation efforts sprang up in the early years of romhacking, but neither was exactly satisfactory - a number of graphics remained untranslated in both patches, and the database of 100 CDs, each of which featured sometimes-comical information about old bosses and characters from other Megaman titles, remained untouched. Until now! You will notice that there are two patches contained in this zip file: RMF-E.IPS and MMB-E.IPS. The RMF-E patch uses the Japanese naming conventions (Rockman, Forte, and so on) while the MMB-E patch uses the US naming conventions (Megaman, Bass, etc.) Use whichever you're more comfortable with, the text in each is exactly the same. --------------- 2.Patch History --------------- The Rockman and Forte project started on October 4, 2002. Or close to there, anyway. The script dump was easy, an ASM hack to eliminate the double-spacing that the Japanese script used took all of ten minutes, the 16-bit dialogue pointers were expanded to 24-bit in about an hour to allow for as much text as I wanted, and a compression bypass for the various graphics was rigged up quickly enough. The script was handed to AndrewT, who did about 20 of the database entries and disappeared. The script was then handed to Ian Kelley, who did the entire thing in five days. Whee! A few textual edits to make it sound less blocky and we were good to go. Most of the time was spent waiting for satsu to insert the graphics (which he -still- hasn't done all of, meh.) There was much clawing and gnashing of teeth at the Stage Clear and Game Over screens! Well, not really, but I just -had- to use the "much gnashing of teeth" phrase. I should try to fit that into one of my patches sometime! They were still a bit of a pain though. Bloody sprite text! December 18, 2002 - Initial version 1.00 Release --------------- 3.Patch Credits --------------- THE ROCKMAN & FORTE TEAM Main Team: Gideon Zhi - Project leader, romhacker Ian Kelley - Translation satsu - Graphic hacking Demi - Graphic design Special Thanks go to AndrewT for his early effort with the script. ----------------------------- 4.Known Issues with the Patch ----------------------------- -The title screens aren't 100% perfect. There's a little discoloration around the corners due to lack of colors in the palettes. If we can find a blank palette somewhere, this may get fixed, but I wouldn't hold your breath. They're quite passable though. -The miniature title logos, after you select your character, remain untouched. They're editable, but satsu hasn't had the time to insert 'em yet. They're on-screen for all of five seconds each time you start a game though, so it's a minor issue that I believed should not have held up the patch. -When browsing the CD database, you may notice some... shall we say... unresponsiveness with the controller when ToadMan is highlighted. This is unavoidable, unfortunately. Capcom did a piss-poor job of coding that menu; it's quite possibly the most inefficient heap of dung I've ever had the misfortune to deal with. If you're interested in a technical explanation of the problem, I'll be glad to answer you on my board, but that aside, this is not something I can fix. Again though, it's a very minor issue. These patches have not been officially tested, although I did go through each yesterday and double-checked each of the dialogue sequences and the CD database, so it -should- be okay. If you find a problem, though, please leave a screenshot in The Pantheon, my forum ( along with an indication of which patch you're playing (the RMF version or the MMB version.) -------------------------- 5.Application Instructions -------------------------- If using ZSNES, make sure that the patch has the same name as your ROM. In other words, if your ROM is called "rockman.swc" make sure the patch is "rockman.ips" okay? If you're using a Mac, a Mac IPS patcher is available. Check the AGTP Links page. If you're using a copier, you probably already know how to patch the ROM :) Be sure to apply the patch to a clean copy of the ROM, and make sure your ROM DOES HAVE a header. If you right-click the ROM and select Properties, it should read "4.00 MB 4,194,816 bytes)". SNESTool can add any headers for you easily, and you can find it at In the utilities section, click on the IPS Tools link. Please note that the questions it prompts you for apply to copier-users only; if you are playing the game in an emulator, your answers do not matter. All that matters is that the header is -there-. SNESTool will tell you "Header add to file(s) done." and you'll be all set.