GUNMAN'S PROOF ENGLISH TRANSLATION V1.03 Copyright 2002 by Aeon Genesis ToC 1. About Gunman's Proof 2. Patch History 3. Patch Credits and Contributors 4. Known Issues With the Patch 5. Application Instructions ---------------------- 1.About Gunman's Proof ---------------------- Gunman's Proof is a nifty little adventure/Zelda-clone game for the SNES. It places a heavier emphasis on action than on puzzle solving, but there's still enough of an element of exploration and stuff that it can easily be considered in the same genre. If you're expecting another Zelda game, though, complete with nifty puzzles and lots of items, Gunman's Proof will probably let you down. It's still quite a good game, though! --------------- 2.Patch History --------------- I have no idea when this project started, as I was not the one who originally started it. Sheex did so, quite a while ago. I picked it up a month or two ago, whipped up an 8x16 font, inserted the script, did all the other funky stuff, and waited for Shih Tzu to do a bunch of textual improvements on the script. The final product is as you see it, and I'm quite satisfied with how it turned out! December 11, 2002 - Initial version 1.00 Release December 11, 2002 - V1.01 Release - Lowercase name-entry fixed December 12, 2002 - V1.02 Release - Lowercase letters on the save/load screen fixed December 18, 2002 - V1.03 Release - Removes duplicate word in one dialogue (thanks to Elf) - Translates "Yaegiku" bombs to "Chrysanthemum Fireworks" --------------- 3.Patch Credits --------------- THE GUNMAN'S PROOF TEAM Main Team: Gideon Zhi - Project leader, romhacker Sheex - Original script dump Zackman - Text Translation Shih Tzu - Text editing Special Thanks Bongo` helped out in re-finding the strangely-stored script. Thanks! ----------------------------- 4.Known Issues with the Patch ----------------------------- There are no known issues. Please report any bugs, spelling errors, and such on The Pantheon ( Screenshots are preferred, as are savestates. -------------------------- 5.Application Instructions -------------------------- If using ZSNES, make sure that the patch has the same name as your ROM. In other words, if your ROM is called "gunproof.smc" make sure the patch is "gunproof.ips" okay? If you're using a Mac, a Mac IPS patcher is available. Check the AGTP Links page. If you're using a copier, you probably already know how to patch the ROM :) Be sure to apply the patch to a clean copy of the ROM, and make sure your ROM DOES HAVE a header. If you right-click the ROM and select Properties, it should read "3.00 MB (3,146,240 bytes)". SNESTool can add any headers for you easily, and you can find it at In the utilities section, click on the IPS Tools link. Please note that the questions it prompts you for apply to copier-users only; if you are playing the game in an emulator, your answers do not matter. All that matters is that the header is -there-. SNESTool will tell you "Header add to file(s) done." and you'll be all set.