TREASURE OF THE RUDRAS ENGLISH TRANSLATION V2.10 Copyright 2003 by Aeon Genesis ToC 0. PLEASE NOTE 1. About Treasure of the Rudras 2. Patch History 3. Features 4. Patch Credits and Contributors 5. Known issues 6. Application Instructions ------------- 0.PLEASE NOTE ------------- YOU _MUST_ BE OPERATING UNDER A HIRES VIEW MODE FOR MUCH OF THE TEXT TO DISPLAY CORRECTLY!! Rudra uses hires display for -ALL- of its text, and while the normal dialogue font will display in any view mode, it will appear distorted. The other fonts may become completely unreadable if a hires display mode is not enabled!! You -must- be using a 512x448 display mode or higher, if you're using ZSNES, and all special graphics enhancing functions MUST be disabled! ------------------------------ 1.About Treasure of the Rudras ------------------------------ Treasure of the Rudras was released in 1996 on the Super Famicom console by Squaresoft. It is a fairly standard role-playing game, if one with some incredibly pretty graphics. Its major selling point, however, was a system of magic that allowed the player to actually enter words (any words!) into the game and have it build a spell effect based on what the player typed in. This system has some incredible depth to it - it's easy to learn, but you won't become a master until you've really played quite a bit of the game and learned all of its intricacies and what each of the "base" words provided by various people (and monsters!) actually do. RULE #1 FOR PLAYING RUDRA: IT IS _NOT_ FINAL FANTASY 3/6! It is graphically very similar to FF3/6, but it is VERY MUCH NOT THE SAME GAME. Go into the game expecting to play FF3/6, and you will not only be likely let down, you will also likely get your ass handed to you. The game is DIFFICULT and requires intense mastery of its inherent spell system if you want to stand a snowball's chance in hell against some of the bosses. Please note that this patch is a hybrid of languages: The French dialogue was used, however everything else was retranslated from the original Japanese to ensure the highest possible level of accuracy [especially due to some of the squishing done to the various lists such as the enemy, location, and item lists in the French patch.] The "F" in the version number indicates that this patch's dialogue was based off of the French version's. As this Translation was made possible by the French patch, there should be two patches available in this zip. rnhj.ips should be applied to a Japanese language ROM, rnhf.ips should be applied to the French RC2 ROM. More on this later. --------------- 2.Patch History --------------- Work started on Rudra in August of 2002, shortly after the French group Terminus Traduction released their patch for the game. I'd always wanted to work on the title, so I snapped it up as quickly as I could. It stalled for a number of months, as NinjaC64 - the main translator for the dialogue - disappeared due to familial issues for a while. He resurfaced in December and then disappeared again, but I decided that I was going to excersize my own knowledge of the French language. I completed about 25% of the script on my own, as self-study preparation for an exam I had to take in March (I passed it and earned 12 college credits, the equivalent of four semesters worth of classes, in French. Haw.) As I was getting sick of it in late February, NinjaC64 reappeared, and we both made a valiant effort to get it out for April 19th. He succeeded in getting the script done, but it was quite rough, and I'd burnt out on the technical issues a few days before, so it sat idle for another month or so, after which I picked it up on spurts of motivation and time. This version was released on July 4, 2003. I was not satisfied with this, however. The introductory legend was very ugly, there were a few small coding issues with the mantra system, and the writing on the script was, while certainly in English, was generally very sub-par on the whole. Steps have been taken to correct these - the entire script saw a full rewrite thanks to M of Returner Games (you may be familiar with his writing for Front Mission: Gun Hazard) and the intro's been redone. The assembly's been fixed, and there's a few small cosmetic hacks in place as well. I've also installed a fully variable-width font for the main dialogues; on the whole, this new version is much improved from its prior incarnation. June 11, 2015 - Version 2.1 release. --Fixes an issue where casting a spell in battle negates or sends negative the caster's Strength and Agility buffs. --Fixes cursor memory issue on pages 5-8. --Patch no longer requires a header; patching instructions in this readme updated to reflect. July 4, 2006 - Version 2.0 release. -Adds new variable-width font, with autocenter where appropriate -Full script rewrite -Enemy names extended by an extra two letters -Opening legend redone -Auto-enscription on pages 3 or 4 of mantra bank fixed -Item descriptions rewritten and enhanced July 5, 2003 - Beta 2 release. --Fixes saving and loading for mantras 17-32. Oops. --Also fixes some missing linebreaks and such. July 4, 2003 - Initial version 0.99 Release ---------- 3.Features ---------- Since Rudra is easily my biggest accomplishment yet, I thought I should let you, the reader, in on some of what the translated ROM image, after application of the IPS patch, features. ---------------------- IN THE INITIAL VERSION ---------------------- -740 kilobytes of English script! -Item names expanded from 8 letters max to 13! -Monster names expanded from 8 letters max to 10! -Spell name sizes DOUBLED, six letters to twelve! -A fully hacked-and-translated Mantra magic system! -Location names expanded from 12 characters to 16! -Battle menu expanded to fit six letter commands in! -Battle data squished over, menus expanded and moved to accomodate 10 letter enemy names! -Character names expanded from 6 letters to 8! -Enemy attack names expanded from 8 letters to 16! -Elemental affinity highlighting reprogrammed to work with horizontal words instead of vertical icons! -ALL areas of the subscreen, shop menus, and save/load menus expanded to fit in the new long character names, item names, spell names, etc. -Items-per-menu reduced to 4 during battle, pages doubled from 3 pages to 6! -Spells-per-menu to 4 during battle, pages doubled from 4 pages to 8! -32x32 font shrunk down to 16x32 so "textual" spell effects don't look hugely blocky! -Area name display font width halved! -Combat attack display font width halved! -Backgroundless text display font width halved! --------------------------- The new version includes... --------------------------- -A completely redone opening sequence! -Full variable-width support for the main dialogue font, with support for dynamic centering of text and automatic indentation! The font remains in hires, so none of the original luster of a 512-pixel wide text window is lost, so long as your emulator supports hires! -A fully rewritten and polished script! -Battle screen hacked a bit to allow two MORE letters in enemy monster names! --------------- 4.Patch Credits --------------- THE TREASURE OF THE RUDRAS TEAM Main Team: Gideon Zhi - Project leader, Romhacker, Translator Ian Kelley - Japanese Translator NinjaC64 - French Translator satsu - Spot dialogue translation (J-E) Klarth - Utility programmer MKendora - Utility programmer Writing Staff: Moriyosi (Version 2) Gideon Zhi (Version 1) Matthew Kendora (Version 1) _Bnu (Version 1) BTAxis (Version 1) Special Thanks Neo Mithrandil & Bahamut - The Terminus Team Boss Monkey Hayama - Initial preliminary work on the table file -------------- 5.Known Issues -------------- If you're on page 5, 6, 7, or 8 in a battle menu and cursor memory is enabled, the cursor will revert to page 1, 2, 3, or 4. I haven't figured out a way to fix this yet. Please report any other bugs, spelling errors, and such on The Pantheon ( Screenshots are preferred, as are savestates. -------------------------- 6.Application Instructions -------------------------- Quick ROM Info: 4.00 MB (32mbit HiROM) WITHOUT header. (*exactly* 4,194,304 bytes) No header. If using ZSNES, make sure that the patch has the same name as your ROM. In other words, if your ROM is called "rudra.smc" make sure the patch is "rudra.ips" okay? If you're using a Mac, a Mac IPS patcher is available. Check the AGTP Links page. If you're using a copier, you probably already know how to patch the ROM :) Be sure to apply the patch to a clean copy of the ROM, and make sure your ROM DOES NOT HAVE A HEADER!. If you right-click the ROM and select Properties, it should read "4.00 MB (4,194,304 bytes)". TUSH will remove all of your headers for you easily, and you can find it at An easy way to tell if the game has a header or not is that if you apply the patch and the game does not boot, your game very likely does have a header.