Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 Addendum Mar 4, 2023 - Lethrys This is an attempt to make Shaya's FE5 patch a little more accommodating by translating several areas in the UI, such as the inventory screen, battle forecast, and configuration menu. This patch does not make script or name alterations of any kind, though that may become a possibility in the future. Some (very makeshift) documentation is also included for prospective hackers who want to tinker with it. This patch is for the ROM version, not NP. Shaya's patch: Some work for the Inventory screen was borrowed from Luxifer Angel's menu translation: Due to width constraints, the bottom half of the inventory screen still isn't exactly helpful, so here's a guide: LD: LeaDer LS: Leadership Stars MV: MoVement Stars (The 'V' in this 'MV' is shared with the 'V' in the other 'MV', so I couldn't change one without changing the other) TV: TraVel MV: MoVement FT: FaTigue ST: STatus CHANGELOG v1.0 - 3/4/23 - Translated: - Inventory screen - Battle forecast - Configuration menu - Quit/Suspend screen - "Item recieved" text ("Got") - Item commands (Use, Equip, Drop, etc.) - Shop text ("Buy", "Sell", "Yes", "No")