SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI 2 ENGLISH TRANSLATION V1.00 Copyright 2004 Aeon Genesis ToC 1.About Shin Megami Tensei 2 2.Patch History 3.Patch Credits and Contributors 4.Known Issues 5.Application Instructions 6.Troubleshooting ---------------------------- 1.About Shin Megami Tensei 2 ---------------------------- Shin Megami Tensei 2 is interesting in that it is both a direct sequel to SMT1 and yet really does not require familiarity with SMT1's story to play. In the end, Shin Megami Tensei's hero decided on a neutral path, defeating both Archangel Michael and the Ashura Lord in the great Cathedral, and went on to establish a neutral republic. It lasted for maybe ten years, but was overtaken by a Mesian revolution lead by an elite squad of Temple Knights. As the decades passed, the post-nuclear environment slowly became more and more hostile, and the Mesians took control of the government, making worship of any "false" god illegal and employing the Temple Knights as an inquisitorial police force. As the habitability of Earth's environment decayed, the Mesians began the "Millennium Project" at the site of the Cathedral, creating an enclosed, domed city atop the ruins of old Tokyo. This city came to be known as "Tokyo Millennium." Following a mass migration into Millennium, the Mesians established a caste system of sorts. The more elites within Mesianic society were allowed to live in the district known as the Center, free of worry and with want for nothing. The lower second-class citizens lived in the other districts around the Center. It is in one of these, the Valhalla area, that a man with no name is found fighting off a pack of demons. Taken in by an old, failed gladiator and trained to fight in the arena, he was given the name "Hawk" and has made it to the finals... As a note, you -can- opt to have the game enter the default names for the characters, but this skews you heavily towards Law. Here are their default names; if you input them normally, the game will not penalize you for using the defaults. Aleph - The main character. Beth - A Temple Knight from the Center who is assigned to be Aleph's partner. Gimmel - An extremely intelligent man, Gimmel is the overseer of the Arcadia area. Daleth - Aleph's approximate equal, Daleth is your main rival. Zayin - Of all of the major players, Zayin is the strongest. His role is a special one... Hiroko - Hiroko's relation to Aleph is special. She initially shows up in the Valhalla area searching for a child who was kidnapped from the Center by a scientist... --------------- 2.Patch History --------------- SMT2 was started only a few months after SMT1 was finished. Thanks to someone who has requested to remain nameless for a huffman decompressor for the text, and thanks to myself who managed to rig up a small byte-swapper program, a script dump (one which was MUCH nicer than the SMT1 dump) was obtained in the late summer/early fall of '02. A few low-level programming problems persisted, but those were fairly easily conquered and a beta was ready after about a year. The problem was that due to some folk (who will also remain nameless) the board on which the betatest was being run got wiped, and the explanation of bugs and links to savestates were lost. I did manage to recover most of the screenshots, corrected what I could, and launched a second test. What you see is the product of that. May 7, 2004 - Initial version 1.00 Release --------------- 3.Patch Credits --------------- THE SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI 2 TEAM Main Team: Gideon Zhi - Project leader, Romhacker Ian Kelley - Translation -------------- 4.Known Issues -------------- --Some of the demons are, as Ian likes to say, still speaking pidgin. For example, there's one that says "Are you really Don't you think?" There's not much I can do about this, due to the nature of how the demon dialogue is stored. On the whole though, it should work pretty well. --Demon dialogue when using bronze boxes does not behave in quite the same manner as it does in the original Japanese version. It doesn't crash the game, though. --The end of game credits are stored as sprites. Too many of 'em display on-screen at any given time, so some of the names will probably be missing letters. Not much I can do about this, unfortunately... Otherwise, there are no known issues. If you find any, please post about them on The Pantheon ( -------------------------- 5.Application Instructions -------------------------- If using ZSNES, make sure that the patch has the same name as your ROM. In other words, if your ROM is called "smt2.smc" make sure the patch is "smt2.ips" okay? If you're using a Mac, a Mac IPS patcher is available. Check the AGTP Links page. If you're using a copier, you probably already know how to patch the ROM :) Be sure to apply the patch to a clean copy of the ROM, and make sure your ROM DOES NOT HAVE A HEADER!. If you right-click the ROM and select Properties, it should read "Size: 2.00 MB (2,097,152 bytes)". SNESTool can add your headers for you easily, and you can find it at In the utilities section, click on the IPS Tools link. The answers to the questions it asks you do not matter unless you're using a copier to play the game. An easy way to tell if the game has a header or not is that if you do the above and the game does not run, it probably does have a header. Use SNESTool to remove it. And don't whine about SNESTool not working in Windows XP, it works fine for me and I'm running on XP Pro. ----------------- 6.Troubleshooting ----------------- --If the game does not progress past the ATLUS splash screen at startup, read the above section on application instructions (specifically on header removal.) Make sure your ROM is not read-only when you remove its header. Also make sure that if you previously hard-patched the ROM and the game crashes as described, you will need to re-apply the patch a clean, Japanese original ROM. --If you jump to level 99 at the very beginning of the game, you ROM has been hacked, and not by me. Find another. Thank you.