Light Fantasy English Translation Patch version 1.0 Japanese Game Release Date: July 03, 1992 Patch Release Date: July 07, 2023 Author of the patch: Zarby89 This patch translate all the texts in english. NOTE: This is not a 100% accurate translation, Deepl, Google, ChatGPT have been used to translate the texts and manually edited to make them look better and match the contexts CRC32 ROM Needed for the patch: 17BBF914 Information useful to know about the game : 1) Save very often! 2) There is an intro playing if you let the game sit on the title screen for a while 3) You should follow the guide on gamefaqs 4) You should use cheats and not feel guilty about it (at least the infinite RIL) like suggested in the guide above 5) Save often! 6) When choosing a name for a character you can use L and R to change page for english characters Tool used to make the patch Asar - to build the .asm files which be found at beat - to create the .bps patch (can be used to patch the ROM with .bps file) feel free to reuse the ASM to re translate the game if that one is not good enough credit is not required but appreciated ;)