Welcome to the patch info text thing for Daikaijyuu If you have any problems e-mail me at firesage62@hotmail.com 10-27-02 .01 Patch 1. What's done 2. Bugs 3. Info 4. Credits 1. What's done Menu's .02 The only thing that is remotely done is the menus for the game. I have not translated most of the items and the ones in english are as close as I could get to the japanese translation that I had to confined to 8 spaces. Everything else .0 2. Bugs To my knowlage their is only one crashing bug where if you press the y button the game freezes but the music keeps playing. I have no idea why the game does this. Originally it only brought up a menu where you could change the sound settings and stuff. Currently the Yes/No option is messed up. I orginally found it and messed with it but then I lost all my notes and I cannot find it again. Other than that there are no other bugs that I know of. 3. Info Okay if you want to play the game without understanding how it works then ignore this section. Okay the menus are easy and I have included a table file for the menus with this patch. The text is different it uses two numbers to define the character in japanese but you can type english in one but it screws up the game. I also suspect that the text is compressed but I am usually wrong about those things. 4. Credits Firesage-Me who made this patch with the help with these people. Thomas-Friend who was indespinable in this. Greywords-I don't know if he helped on this one but he is a very good translator. Nathan Sandards-Also very good and helped out alot. Nightcrawer-A person who kept bugging me for this patch, I hope you enjoy it.