Version: 0.01 How to use: - Find tool like IPS.EXE or SnesTool.exe and read its instruction on applying patches. Or rename feda_sr13_001.ips to match name of your ROM (if your ROM named Feda.smc - rename feda_sr13_001.ips to Feda.ips) and play game in zSNES. What's translated: - Start menu: LOAD/DEL./COPY - Map menu: MOVE/WAIT/CAMP - Battle menu: FIGHT/WAIT/SPECIAL+MAGIC/ITEM - Camp menu 1: PARTY/OPTIONS/STORE and all sub-menus - Camp menu 2: only SAVE - Names of many different monsters up to Area 7 - Names of many party members up to Area 7 (*) - Spells: TREAT1-3, REMAKE1-3, TURN - System messages: CRITICAL! (*) All party members that I've found myself - that is. I probally missed a few... If you find someone with name in japanese - tell me where you got him/her. I won't even touch script. First, it's compressed, and I'm just started with SNES internals. Second, I have one J->E project already. If somebody ever want to start full translation - feel free to mail me. I'll send you codetable and that will save you few hours. BTW, I was careful not to change anything related to untranslated text, so if you know japanese, you still can play with this patch - all untranslated text will be as in original game. Known bugs: - Names supposed to be 8 chars max, so some dialogs shows only first 8 letters. (See KRISTOFER stats for example). - If you already playing, you won't see english names for PC. You need to start a new game or manually rename all chars. (That's not bug actually, that's a feature.) Also, I've had to shorten some strings. List follows: Monster Names: Beast Master -> BSTMASTER Swamp Leech -> SWMPLEECH Ninja Hound -> NNJAHOUND Pegasus Knight -> PGSKNIGHT Item Menu: Give -> GIV Equip -> EQIP Shop Menu: Buy -> BY Sell -> SL Camp Menu 1->Options->Sound: Stereo -> STR. Spells: Turn Undead -> TURN System Messages: Critical Hit! -> CRITICAL! --Rover[SR13].