Ola, my name is André Mena Calavia, known in Romhacking.net as RetGal, acronym of "Retro Galicia". This is a fully functional Galician translation patch for Super Mario World NTSU version, for the original Super Nintendo SNES. It has been more than two years since my last translation (Metroid II for GB to Galician); in that time I was mostly distracted with real life stuff, and also tried to advance in two other translations in my free time (unsuccessfully, may I say, since none of themkept my interest). This last weeks I have had more spare time that ussual, so I decided to retake the hobby of translating with something easy but classy: Super Mario World, for SNES. Like a lot of people, this was my first videogame ever (well, of my brothers, mine was "Godzilla" for the original GB but I also was part of the SMW experience, so), and since no one seems interested in translating it to Galician (or any game, being honest) I decided to try it for recovering the "translation muscle". As I said a few times by now, I am not a real programmer and I normally take unorthodox ways to do what I want; thankfully there is the "SMW Central" community and many, many tools and threads discussing about the different topics I need to solve that even if at the beginning I was mainly slow (not only because of the time from my previous translation but because I did not know about Lunar Magic and its useful tools) I finished quite fast. Feel free to let me know if there is any glitch during your playthrough; Galician may not be the most popular language, but is my mother language and any product related with it may have the best quality. -- Tools used -- Usual: ♦ Tiny Hexee, as usual for reading hex and apply tables. ♦ CrystalTile2, easy enough tool to see and insert modified graphic tiles. ♦ Paint.net, my esential to modify graphics. ♦ Paper and pens. Specific for this project: ♦ Lunar Magic, the essential ♦ MarioStartEditor and SMWEnemyNameEditor for specifics. ♦ Sporadic topics and threads found in SMW Central ♦ www.mariowiki.com for enemy names. -- What does this patch change -- • Title screen (including options) • Text boxes • Stage names • Graphics that contains translatable words ("Exit" to "Saída", Ghost House" to "Casa Enmeigada", etc) • The "Special" text made our of stars in the "Special Zone" • The "YOU ARE A SUPER PLAYER !!" made out of coins in Funky. • Cast roll (also added myself as translator and a special thank to SMW Central) • Enemy names • "The End" • Everything translatable in the game, to um up (I think I have only left the "UP" of the 1UP, 2UP, etc untranslated). • Add special Galician words (stressed vowels, mainly) SOME THINGS I NEED TO STATE: ♠ My plan was to translate the PAL version (I dumped our own childhood cartridge to do it) but Lunar Magic do not support it (is a PAL 1.1 version, and LM only allows to use the 1.0 version of the Japanese or American game). So, in the end this patch is for the NTSC 1.0 USA version. ♠ For the enemy names I took way too liberties; I used www.mariowiki.com to see some translations of the names in Spanish, Portuguese and even Japanese, but some translations seemed too "cheap" for my taste so I made my owns (still using mariowiki as reference but trying to be more creative). This is, these name translations do not try to be accurate but their own thing, do not take them too serious. ♠ I have left untouched the letters "K", "W" and "Y" even if they are not in the Galician alphabet. "Koopa", "Bowser", "Yoshi" and other words are the main reason why. I have been devating if I should "Galicianize" the words that include those letters, since "Ioshi" looks nice enough but "Bouser" or "Cupa" look horrendous. -- Future aims of the project -- ♣ Is my plan to create a patch specific for the PAL version, even if Lunar Magic does not support it; reason is that when playing this translation in real hardware (European console) there are unsatisfying desincs between music and graphics (mainly when finishing a level and in all ending sequences). I know PAL version have some extra changes compared with the NTSC version, so even if I have some idea about how to aproach this slowly I do not know how much will this take m and which unknown anomalies I could find (I have already failed a few tries of trying to make it fast). ♣ I am planning also to add some extra Message Blocks that are not in the original ROM in specific stages to give extra useful information (for instance that you can enter cleared castles by pressing L+R); two or three may do the job. I am awared that Information Blocks have a special way to display messages in the game, and in Lunar Magic seems pretty easy to add them. Of course, this would be in an extra-patch. -- Contact -- If you find any glich or want to mail me for reasons, you can do it through my Romhacking.net profile --> https://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=91332 Have a nice day