Ranma 1/2 rpg translation co. patch v.02 1. What's new 2. Thanks 3. legal stuff 1. v.03 12-1-99 Whats new is we got some text done but, not alot so don't get your hopes up. I can't do anymore until I get a new translator so if anyone wants to help then e-mail. v.02 8/8/99 What's new is that I have all the items, armor, and weapons are done in the whole game so you can understand what your equiping and what the items do. v.01 6/13/99 What's new is that I got most of the battle menus done so it makes a lot more sence. 2. Thanks should be in order for all the translating docs out their that have been put together to make a begginger like me actually understand the basic's. I made this patch to make this game a little easier to understand and to play. No one seems to have taken me seriously about this so here is the proof. firesage62@hotmail.com Another thanks has to go to Greywords because he was the one that translated the parts of the game. 3. The Ranma 1/2 translation co. is in no way responsible for how the patch might affect your computer and is not affilated with any company past or present. I ask that you keep this readme with the patch to show the hard work that my team and I have done.