I first decided to translate this rom when found out Super Dodgeball had a sequel. I was upset that it was only in jp and that the only translation project on it was dead. I picked up that project (from Evolutions IPkiss) and figured out the tables. That brought me here. The Kunio Kun No Dodgeball FAQ on my site is very helpful for anything that I haven't translated yet, or it works as a manual for those with the game. If anyone can read hiragana and would like to help me decipher some of the things I cant figure out please contact me. contact me stig87@aol.com (Primary source of contact) or b_blue34 on yahoo messenger bluestig@hotmail.com on msn messenger(not always a relyable contact source) Translation home http://kuniododgeball2.bravehost.com/ KUNIO DODGEBALLV1.3 Fixes on many confusing menus Menus are translated deeper. Title screen fixed(if you even noticed it was messed up) Teamdata and player list stats translated Playernames, Player shots and Team names(and any other text thats customizable) remain untranslated due to the fact that they require editing of the rom image itself (which I don't plan to enter until normal text is fully translated) KUNIO DODGEBALL V1.2 This is the first real update to my translation Main menus translated game settings and options translated. Player names, Playershots, and team names remain untranslated. Brodrick L. Stigall