_______________ ________ / _____ _____ \ / ______ \ / / | | \ \ Nightcrawler's / / \ \ \/ | | \/ / / \ \ | | / / ____\/ /\___ /\_____ | | /\___ ___/\ /\___ /\ | | //--\\ |/--\\ |/----\\ | | |/--\\ //--|| ||--\\ / / | | || || || ` || || | | || ` || || || || / / | | ||__|| || ||____|| | | || ||__|| || || \ \ | | \____/ || ||_____/ | | || \___|| || || \ \ \ \ /\\/ || | | \/ \/ \/ \/ / / \ \ / / || | | \/ \ \______/ / || \ / (c)2018 All rights reserved. \________/ \/ ` *********************************************************************** Tenshi No Uta - Shiroki Tsubasa no Inori Song of the Angel - Prayer of the White Wings English Translation Patch presented by: Nightcrawler's Translation Corporation http://transcorp.romhacking.net Version 1.0 October 14th 2018 *********************************************************************** Table of Contents 1.0 Information 1.1 Patch Information 1.2 Distribution and Licensing Information 1.3 Copyright Information 1.4 Disclaimer 2.0 The Project 2.1 History of the Project 2.2 Words from the Translator 3.0 About the Game 4.0 Credits of who worked on this Patch 5.0 What you will find in the Patch 6.0 Known Issues in the Patch 7.0 Special Thanks 1.0 Information 1.1 ****Patch Information**** This patch when hard patched correctly will result in a VALID checksum. This patch was created for use on an original ROM that has: * NO header * CRC32: 6E030B96 * No-Intro (http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/1002/) identified as Tenshi no Uta - Shiroki Tsubasa no Inori (Japan), Version 1.0 The 'TransPatch.exe' custom patching application can be used to ensure you have the correct ROM and patch, and apply the patch to headered or non-headered ROMs automatically. This is the recommended way to apply the patch for novice patchers. The patcher should work on Win95/98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10, as well as Linux under Wine. It should be self explanatory to use. You will be asked for your ROM file and your IPS patch file. The program will alert you if any errors are found or upon a successful patching job. An xDelta format patch is also provided for reliable patching in all other cases. xDelta patchers are available on all platforms. Popular choices are: * MultiPatch (MacOS X) - http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/746/ * Delta Patcher (Win/Linux) - http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/704/ * xdelta UI (Win .NET/Linux Mono) - http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/598/ Patch History: * 1.0 - October 14th 2018 - Initial Release 1.2 ****Distribution and Licensing Information**** This patch is licensed under the Creative Commons Deed as: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) This means you are free to share, copy, or distribute the work under the following conditions: * Attribution: You must give appropriate credit and provide a link to the work's website. * NonCommercial: You may not use the material for commercial purposes. * NoDerivatives: You may not alter, remix, transform, or build upon the work and distribute the modified work. A full copy of the license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) can be found at: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ The only files found in the official distribution archive are 'readme.txt', 'tenshi_eng_v10.ips', 'tenshi_eng_v10.xdelta', and 'TransPatch.exe'. If anything else has been found in this archive, this is not an official distribution. Only official distributions may be distributed freely for public use per the license. 1.3 ****Copyright Information**** Tenshi no Uta was a 1994 trademarked, copyrighted property of Telenet Japan. Nightcrawler's Translation Corporation is not affiliated with the above company in any way. Nightcrawler's Translation Corporation title, melodies, and all logos are not to be used under any circumstances without the expressed written consent of the original creator/s. 1.4 ****Disclaimer**** No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. Nightcrawler's Translation Corporation, Nightcrawler, nor any affiliates of the aforementioned shall be held liable or responsible for any losses, damages, injury, and/or legal consequences due to the misuse, or illegal use, of any of the files contained within this archive. 2.0 The Project 2.1 History of the Project Boy am I glad this project is finally done! I was really getting scared there. This project was in high danger of being abandoned. The history of this project is really one of how not to do a project! It was done piecemeal across many years, with shifting attention, shifting available people, missteps, side projects, backtracking, and more! That's just how it goes though sometimes with spare time projects involving multiple people with differing lives and availability. A last ditch effort these past two years finally pulled everything together and brought it up to polished standards. Had this last effort failed, it would have been abandoned. Don't let this wishy-washy story fool you. This project turned out to be very good and some of my best work in the end! The project was originally announced in December of 2003. Progress in early 2004 was off to a very swift start completing basic dialog hacking. However, progress was quickly slowed when attention shifted to Emerald Dragon. 2005 saw further time competition with other projects along with difficulties of being able to complete a full script dump. The script was hard to dump due to a difficult to decipher game scritping engine (embedded event code and text). It was easy to get most of the text, but very hard to get all of it. There was always new discoveries of different text calls missed in previous dumps that would plague the project. Each time this occurred, things would need to be reworked, translated, and delayed. The non-dialog text wasn't much better. Many of the menus had isolated, hard coded strings. This means they have absolutely no organizational structure, and aren't even grouped together. With no organizational structure, you can't easily find and extract them (let alone all at once, together). The game also typically used various macros and hard coded pointers to embedded text. It even used hard coded sub-tables within tables. I used reverse pointer lookups, heuristics (pattern searching), and every other trick I could think of to find it all, but still missing strings would pop up here and there. In the end, you simply didn't know of some strings existence until you saw it in-game. These types of recurring issues led to constant starts and stops with both myself and the translator. Working like this killed any type of momentum every time. Serious progress resumed in 2008 on Tenshi No Uta with much menu hacking being accomplished, including a partial VWF conversion. However, progress was killed once more upon discovering many different text routines being used on various menu screens for printing. Sometimes different text engines were even used to print the same text! I have to assume this game was worked on simultaneously by different people who all wrote their own text engines for whatever pieces they were working on. This would require a universal VWF hack approach. 2008 ended with first attempt at an SNES universal VWF hack for all the routines, but it was a bit kludgy and too slow. Like a broken record, once again progress was killed when 2009 and 2010 saw interruptions with medical issues. It became apparent with all the new text formats discovered that new tooling was necessary to handle it all. Finally, a working universal VWF and new tooling was completed in 2012, however attention was turned to finishing Glory of Heracles IV (using all of the same tools and advancements) until 2015. After so much starting and stopping, the project wandered far away. The project was in danger of being abandoned. A final attempt was made to make a serious push to enlist some extra help, get everybody together at the same time, and finally finish the project. We all spent time coming back up to speed, went over the entire project, polished it up, and finally got the whole thing done! At least it all worked out in the end and we have a another completed translation! I probably did more than any other person on the planet would do for this game, so please enjoy my continued passion and dedication to this hobby and community. You can now have the opportunity to play Song of the Angel in English! Thank you to all who have given me words of support, all who have lent a helping hand to the project, and the fans of TransCorp and our community. As always, take it, love it, cherish it! 2.2 Words from the Translator (by Liana) Tenshi no Uta represents my commitment to studying Japanese, and for that reason I'm proud that this translation is complete. I started learning Japanese in college, and after I graduated, I recognized how much work mastering the language would actually be. I was at a crossroads: continue studying, sinking tremendous amounts of effort into Japanese, or leave it and spend my time on something else? I chose to keep studying, and one thing I did to motivate myself was to download this game and start to try translating it. At the time it was a laborious effort, and I must have learned thousands of basic words from my work on it. But I'd always been curious about the Super Famicom RPGs that had never been translated and released on the SNES, and it was a delight to work my way through this unabashedly sentimental, beautifully written little game. There was a period of several years between when I finished the bulk of the translation and when Nightcrawler was able to devote his attention to the project. I had thought it was unlikely to ever be finished, so I was delighted by the prospect of seeing it done and also being able to revise my old script, as I'd studied intensively and improved my Japanese skill in the past few years. However, I was in a very different phase of my life, as I was now a mother and dealing with post-partum depression. It took time to check my old work and translate every bit of the script, and I was deeply grateful for Nightcrawler's patience with me! Tenshi no Uta is a deeply thoughtful, unique game that was clearly designed and written with great love. I appreciate its gentle sense of humor, its focus on the relationships between the characters and the epic scale of its story. It's an honor for me to release it, all these years later, and I hope you'll delight in the characters and their struggles as I do. 3.0 About the Game Song of the Angel was a game released in 1994 by Telnet Japan and had many of the developers who would eventually form the famous 'Wolf Team' that brought us Tales of Phantasia and Star Ocean! Many musical tracks were also done by the same composer too. Play the game, and the music and atmosphere will be very familiar to fans of the aforementioned games. Even though the game is rather obscure, its developers certainly are not! The graphics are colorful, crisp, and get the general point across. There is also some beautiful hand drawn artwork during cut scenes, which really adds to the game. The character portraits are also a nice touch to bring the tiny character sprites to life. The music is top notch and with a good variety of tracks, a few of which you will undoubtedly find yourself humming along with or being stuck in your head. The soundtrack is amongst some the best of any 1994 SFC games I have heard. I do miss the era where game music was composed for melody and emotion rather than simply being atmospheric. The gameplay is the typical 1994 RPG fighting engine, with a few additions. The most notable addition is the Parley system. This system allows you to parley with monsters using several languages in order to befriend or negotiate outcomes. Options include gaining gold, purchasing special items, gaining experience, raising friendship points, and more! There are day/night cycles that effect dialog as well as changing wares in certain shops. You will walk, teleport, sail on a boat, and fly on an ancient ark by the time your adventure concludes. Tenshi No Uta is a love story at its core. A young man named Rayard meets a traveling circus performer and songstress named Callana. They fall in love early, but part ways due to Callana's traveling lifestyle. After many days of misery, Rayard pulls himself together and sets out to tell Callana how he really feels. Thus, the real journey begins! This game has angels, demons, and even Satan himself! The story and writing are the stand-outs of this game. If you appreciate substance over style, you'll enjoy this game for it's charming core! 4.0 Credits Here are the people that helped make this translation possible. Be thankful to all. ;) Hacking: Nightcrawler Translators: Liana, SamIAm Script Editing: cccmar Beta Testers: Nightcrawler, Liana, Erik, Princess, cccmar Title Screen: FlashPV 5.0 What you will find in this patch: It's complete now, so you SHOULD find everything 100% translated! If you find any bugs, please report them at the TransCorp message board. Easter Egg: Unfortunately, due to how many years this project took, I did not do my previous tradition of adding myself to the game. You would be looking in vein. Maybe next time. :) 6.0 Known Issues: None with the patch, however the original game is slightly buggy. I fixed as many original game bugs as I could that were detrimental to gameplay and the intended behavior of the original code was clear enough for a reasonable quick fix. Two notable fixed bugs were the inventory eating Rurimon Bell glitch and the level checkpoint level 99 glitch, which are documented on some Japanese sites. Some original game bugs remain such as minor visual pixel glitches during area or battle transitions with a full party. Please try and see if the issue occurs in the original game before reporting any patch bugs. It would be greatly appreciated. 7.0 Special Thanks Special Thanks go out to these people for their contributions and help in this project. Without you guys, this patch may not have been possible! (in no particular order) Special Thanks to: Gemini TransCorp message board supporters ROMhacking.net message board supporters I'm terribly sorry if I forgot anyone. I didn't mean to! It's been so many years and I'm getting old! : )