.,g8$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"""""$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$8g,. d$$$$$$$$ $$P$"`"$OY$$$ l$$$$$$$$$$$$$`````$$$$$$$$$$$$$b l$$$$$$$$$ $l dy, 'Y$ '$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l $$$$$$$$$$ l` l$$b Y 'Y$$$P` $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$"" `$` $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ b `Y$$$$$$$ by, ,d $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$P$" $b $"""" $$$$y$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$P$" ,y $" , $ l $$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$ d$$ `$ $b $$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$b """ b $$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$8y,. $8y, .,y8$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ggggg$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$P$"""$OY P_"`"OY$""""""""$OY$$$$$$$$$P$"""$OY$$$$P$"`"$OY$$$$ $$l dy, .$ 'Y$$$8$by, 'Y$$$$$$l dy, 'Y$l dy, 'Y$$ $l` l$$b ,g, Y $b Y$$$$l` l$$b l` l$$b Y$ $ $$"" l$l l $' ,d$$$$ $$"" $$"" $ $b `Y$$$$$ ;$P d ` yy, ``$l $$$$$$$$b `Y$$$$$$$$ $$b $$$; ;P d; $$$$b ; $$$$$"""" $"""" $$" ,yy$$$l dl ; $$$$$l $$$$$ l , $ l $ `$$$$$$b `$' d $$$$$$ . `$Y$$b `$ $b $ $$$$$$$b, ,d$ $$$$$$ b $ $$$$$$$$$by,.,yd$$$ggggg$$$$$$ $8y, .,y8$y, .,y8$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ trip(RMRS/iCE) " Let's fighting love " R E L E A S E ,d$b. "" $$b yy $$$$ ,d$$b, ,d$b. $$ ' $$ $$Yb $$ $$__ $$ $$ ` $$ `qb $$ $$ Yb$$ $$"" $$ $S qb' ,d$b. $$ `` $$$ $$ $YyyP$ ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' Release : Famicom Detective Club II Translation `qb ,d$b. File : NDF-F210.ZIP ,d$b. $$ ' Validity : [ ] Alpha [ ] Beta [x] Final ` $$ `qb Medium : SNES qb' ,d$b. Version : 1.00 ,d$b. ` $$ Date : 10-10-4 $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' CREDIT: `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' Translation: Demi, Haeleth ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. Hacking: Demi, Bongo ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' Graphics: FuSoYa (compression), Demi (art) `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' Beta Testing: Haeleth, Gideon Zhi, Datenshi, Yuuchi ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' TRANSLATION NOTES: ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. Oh man... it's 7pm and I've been working on the final ,d$b. ` $$ touches on this game since I woke up, so like, this $$ ' qb' readme is probably gonna come out all weird. `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' This has been a project of mine for about the last year ` $$ `qb and a half. I got into shortly after we finished work on qb' ,d$b. Radical Dreamers, when Tomato brought it to my attention. ,d$b. ` $$ Apparently he'd been shopping it around to a few of us $$ ' qb' translators after he'd decided he didn't have enough time `qb ,d$b. to work on it himself. At the time he approached me, the ,d$b. $$ ' most help he'd gotten so far was from Bongo -- he'd ` $$ `qb written a partially functional variable-width font for qb' ,d$b. the game. In addition, Tomato had dumped some preliminary ,d$b. ` $$ japanese scripts himself. $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. So when I (Demi) took on the project, I took a look at ,d$b. $$ ' the total amount of progress that had been made on it, ` $$ `qb and went from there. I expanded the rom and remapped all qb' ,d$b. text pointers, recoded the variable width font (Bongo, ,d$b. ` $$ you were closer than you may have thought), redumped the $$ ' qb' script into a proprietary format similar to my Radical `qb ,d$b. Dreamers script, and translated the game from scratch. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb To give you some sense of the scope of this project, I qb' ,d$b. think I've worked like 5 or 6 different places ever since ,d$b. ` $$ I started this translation. I'm a consultant though, so $$ ' qb' that's not really bad at all. But man, this one job I `qb ,d$b. had, it SUCKED, okay? Well, no, the job was cool (I was ,d$b. $$ ' editing children's books for McGraw Hill)... the ` $$ `qb management was just kind of incompetent. At one point, I qb' ,d$b. got so sick of all the bureaucracy there, I started ,d$b. ` $$ working on this translation there in the office instead $$ ' qb' of doing the miniscule amount of work assigned to me. So `qb ,d$b. like, in addition to how you are most likely breaking the ,d$b. $$ ' law because of playing this game with a stolen rom, rest ` $$ `qb assured in knowing that you are further corrupting your qb' ,d$b. soul by playing a translated game which was partially ,d$b. ` $$ created on a Fortune 500 company's dime, without their $$ ' qb' foreknowledge or consent. Booyah. `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' Anyhow, back to the lecture at hand. FuSoYa was once ` $$ `qb again at my side when it came time to hack the graphics. qb' ,d$b. He helped me out bigtime with Radical Dreamers and he was ,d$b. ` $$ no less the lifesaver here. The graphics were compressed, $$ ' qb' but he managed to crack the compression in like 5 seconds `qb ,d$b. or something. He then built me a custom version of his ,d$b. $$ ' Lunar Compress tool in no time, which allowed for the ` $$ `qb compression / insertion of FDC2 format graphics. qb' ,d$b. Inserting my art (the title image, the chapter names, ,d$b. ` $$ etc) into the rom was a snap -- his util never failed me $$ ' qb' once. Big ups to FuSoYa on this one. Damn you got a funky `qb ,d$b. name dude. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb As I finished up the translation, I invited a few of my qb' ,d$b. Radical Dreamers beta testers to come test the game. One ,d$b. ` $$ of the guys who really got into it was Haeleth; he went $$ ' qb' above and beyond the call of duty to really get into the `qb ,d$b. script and offer a lot of retranslations for things that ,d$b. $$ ' weren't up to snuff. I really appreciated it, and so, he ` $$ `qb got co-translator credit on this project. This release qb' ,d$b. wouldn't have been half of what it is with you, bud! ,d$b. ` $$ Thanks! $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ GAME INFO: $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. This is actually a remake of a Famicom Disk System game, ,d$b. $$ ' which is in itself a prequel to Famicom Detective Club ` $$ `qb Part I. FDC1 is elite, I mean, I wanna find out what qb' ,d$b. happens after the events in this game and everything, but ,d$b. ` $$ I just can't seem to get into those nappy 8-bit graphics. $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. There was a third game released for the SNES Satellaview ,d$b. $$ ' add-on, but I haven't gotten too far into it. All I know ` $$ `qb is that the characters' mouths move really weird when qb' ,d$b. they talk in it. It's like watching cats lick their ,d$b. ` $$ butts... you can't seem to look away. $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. I don't wanna sound like I'm kissing this game's ass too ,d$b. $$ ' much, but it's really got an intricate story. There's ` $$ `qb been more than a few times where I've found myself going qb' ,d$b. "man, are these mystery stories as difficult to write as ,d$b. ` $$ I think they are?" -- I dunno though, there's a shitload $$ ' qb' of Law and Order and CSI and whatever on TV right now. `qb ,d$b. But to be fair, those shows pale in comparison to the ,d$b. $$ ' hidden treasure that is Phamicom Detective Club Part Deux. ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. Tomato and Haeleth are the resident experts on Famicom ,d$b. ` $$ Detective Club games. Tomato got me interested in the $$ ' qb' series, and I know he spent a period of time when he got `qb ,d$b. deep into all kinds of oldskool text-based horror story ,d$b. $$ ' games like this. Haeleth on the other hand spent tons of ` $$ `qb time on Japanese websites in order to get to know FDC2 so qb' ,d$b. well that he was able to beta test the hell out of it. ,d$b. ` $$ Sometimes he would figure stuff out, and I'd just be like $$ ' qb' "Uhh... yeah! Of course I knew about that! Yeah..." `qb ,d$b. Anyhow, if you want to know more about games like this, ,d$b. $$ ' these are your guys. ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. Finally, I'd like to mention that I recently started to ,d$b. ` $$ look into translating FDC1, but I don't know if I'm going $$ ' qb' to undertake it if it's as difficult as I'm afraid it is. `qb ,d$b. I heard a while ago that some people were once trying to ,d$b. $$ ' translate this (I think I've heard Necrosaro's name ` $$ `qb tossed around once or twice) but I don't think I've ever qb' ,d$b. heard anything about it publically. I've got the script ,d$b. ` $$ dumped almost the way I want it, but I'm having a few $$ ' qb' issues with the pointers. So, if there's anybody who'd `qb ,d$b. like to share some knowledge on FDC1, please don't ,d$b. $$ ' hesitate to ask. Haeleth has agreed to translate it once ` $$ `qb a decent script is produced, and I don't want to keep him qb' ,d$b. waiting. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. PATCHING INSTRUCTIONS: ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' There are two versions of the Japanese rom out there: `qb ,d$b. 1.0 and 1.1. You gotta use 1.0 with this patch. Using ,d$b. $$ ' this patch on a 1.1 rom will make it break. GoodSNES will ` $$ `qb help you figure out which rom you have. Cherryroms has qb' ,d$b. both versions (I think it's listed as something like ,d$b. ` $$ "Famicom Tantei Kurabu"). $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. I was gonna release patches for both versions of the ,d$b. $$ ' rom, cuz I built my translator program to make ` $$ `qb translations for both versions, but at the last minute I qb' ,d$b. realized that there's one teeny tiny thing that doesn't ,d$b. ` $$ work with the 1.1 rom. And like, I coded the translator $$ ' qb' program with Visual C++ 6.0 years ago, which I don't even `qb ,d$b. have on my computer anymore!! I only use .NET now! ,d$b. $$ ' Ahhhhh!!!! ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. So like, if you manage to find out what makes 1.1 really ,d$b. ` $$ really REALLY REALLY a lot better than 1.0, I might $$ ' qb' consider putting dumbass VC6 on my computer again and `qb ,d$b. fixing / recompiling my translator program so that we can ,d$b. $$ ' all have version 1.1 translated too. But like, eh!!!!! ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' WORD UP: ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. Tomato - You translate Dragon Ball for work. That is so ,d$b. ` $$ cool, it makes me hurt all the way down in my peepee. $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. Haeleth - You're very skilled at balancing diplomacy and ,d$b. $$ ' pragmatism. Good luck to you in your acedemic and ` $$ `qb professional enveavours -- I'm sure you'll go far. qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ Culp - Go bit buster!!!! $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. People at SquareEnix - Thank you for the lovely music in ,d$b. $$ ' your games. Listening to your soundtracks while I ` $$ `qb translate really seems to open up my doors. qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ MO - We really do need to go hang out some time. I live $$ ' qb' close enough now!! `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' Spinner 8 - I'm gonna need around 5 random cuss words in ` $$ `qb the Whirlpool news item for this release. qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ Y0shi - h0h0h0 I finally gave you money for hosting $$ ' qb' service!!! Did you ever think it was gonna happen? 3y3 4m `qb ,d$b. l337 ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb FuSoYa - thanks again for Lunar Compress! qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb DYSTRO: qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ Demiforce Homepage .................... www.demiforce.com $$ ' qb' Tomato's Non-Loser Page .............. tomato.starmen.net `qb ,d$b. MO's Translation Board ............ donut.parodius.com/mo ,d$b. $$ ' FuSoYa's Niche ...................... fusoya.cg-games.net ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' BTW: ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. Go see Napoleon Dynamite ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb'