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Version history / What's new 1. Game history and getting started 2. Patch features 3. Known issues 4. Translation patch credits 5. Patching the game 6. How you can help out! 7. Things to look forward to 8. FAQ section +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | 0. Version history / What's new | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 06/24/2015, Version 1.1a: - More minor fixes. - A few overflows. - Fixed some more translation mistakes in the diary which had crept in due to limitation issues. 12/28/2013, Version 1.1: - Fixed various grammar, spelling and translation mistakes. Some might remain in rare dialog instances. - Added missing text translations. - Brushed up on style in many places. - Fixed most overflows. Some might still be caused by unexpected character name length or in rare dialog instances. - Fixed wrong status messages. - Updated known issues. nanashi +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | 1. Game history and getting started | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ While trying out various games for the Super Famicom a couple of years ago, I stumbled upon a spectacular find: Glory of Heracles 3. Immediately I took a liking to the Dragon Quest feel of the game with it's unique Greek twist. Although most English gamers have never heard of the series, the games has an enormous amount of fans in Japan. The story of Glory of Heracles 3 consists of the protagonist who wakes up in a village of pixies without even remembering his name. Throughout the game the protagonist (which is named by you) is continually brought to a dream world while he sleeps. Along the journey he finds others whom he saw in the dream and searches to reveal his true self and his past. Companions gather along the way and overcome many great tribulations together. Some of these include being swallowed by a giant sea monster, using the great Trojan horse, flying daedalus' kite, speaking with the divine Lord Zeus, and much much more. Some features of the game include. - 5 party member system - Customizable windowing system - Jumping off cliffs! - Use of a ship for transportaion - Use of Pegasus for flying - Great unique spell names - Dress your main character up as a woman! - 116 enemies - Dictionary of the gods - Reion's Diary - Bury and store items almost anywhere - Learn to be a master harp player with the minigame So I hope your looking to enjoy another classic. For me, this game provided some great unexpected feature around every corner. For more information visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glory_of_Heracles +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | 2. Patch features | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This that I have implemented into this patch include... - Cracked dictionary compression - Implemented DTE (Dual Tile Encoding) - Customized DQ Translations intro - 200+KB of english script - Expanded item names from 8 to 16 - Expanded enemy names from 8 to 16 - Expanded spell names from 6 to 12 - Expanded skill names from 3 to 6 - Reprogrammmed and relocated all game menus - Expanded main textbox and recoded text routine - Game now loads all english text straight from ROM instead of RAM. - New pointer system for all text +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | 3. Known Issues | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Here's some things I still have yet to work out. - The battle text seems to jump a few lines sometimes. - Cursed status doesn't have a message, only a different color for the afflicted character. - The game is supposed to check the names you give to your characters against the ones used in game so you don't call them Zeus, Poseidon or the same name as your other party members. This doesn't work in our version. - Some overflows might remain in the current version. - In the end sequence, the dialog causes several minor graphical corruptions in the background. That's about it for now. The game should be completely playable from start to finish. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | 4. Translation patch credits | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ These are the people who helped put this patch together: nanashi - Main translator (complete script translation with battle dialogue), QA DaMarsMan - All hacking, menu translation, intro screen, this readme.txt toma - Glory of Heracles 3 title screen translation Haeleth and Gillian Seed - various spot translations Wrath - main beta testing Beta Testers: Wrath LightWorker2012 Covanca Faolan Atticus VaAllstar Exlike27 Kojiro FoxStar toma Matthew Calis Other people who helped out in some way include: rveach, byuu, Nightcrawler, Gideon Zhi, KingMike, D, Bongo, and others I'm sure. Utilities used: Atlas - Klarth xkas v0.06 - byuu NINJA Patcher - D Geiger's Debugger Snes9X1.43.ep9 - Geiger and snes9x team bsnes v013 with debugger - byuu WindHex - Bongo Translhextion 1.6C - Brian Bennewitz Lunar Expand - FuSoYa Lunar Address - FuSoYa Pic2Snes - Paul DarkTabler - Dark Schneider Tile Layer Pro - Kent Hansen Greetings: The rest of our team, Jason and Chris, Brian, Spencer, strag0, satsu, lavonne riley, REdComet, Djinn, and Dragon's Den, Pendy, everyone at romhacking.net, all my friends at W.B CoC. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | 5. Patching the game | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Patch on a headerless unexpanded rom. Softpatching won't work because my patch expands the game. If you want to softpatch, hard patch first and than make an ips against an expanded rom. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | 6. How you can help out! | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ I need someone to translate these pages. They pretty much contain all the information about the game. Very useful for writing an FAQ. Anyone interested in translating Glory of Heracles IV let me know as well. http://www.rpgdl.org/sfc/hera3.html http://www.din.or.jp/~koide/game/hera3/hera3.htm http://osaka.cool.ne.jp/gonsan/hera3_start.html Please post bugs in the DQ Translations forums. Anyone available and open to helping email me at DaMarsMan@gmail.com. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | 7. Things to look forward to | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - DQ5 for PS2 release soon :) - Sansara, Aretha, and some other games getting more attention from me. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | 8. FAQ section | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ -How can I save? Talk to the statues of Hermes in the cities. -My armor rusted... What do I do? Bring it to the boy in Eus to have it polished. -What is the reward for becoming a pro harp player. You can then win money by performing in Troy. -I'm stuck in bed. Try tapping down twice. -I can't get into Knossos. Put on the Daughter Memento -The screen keeps shaking, is that normal? This is just the part of the game where the sun stands still. -The stats on the screen won't go away Hit select (Or whatever you have configured) -I'm in prison with Kurin... How do I get out? Check the wall to the upper left. -The Persian king told me to talk to the king of Athens about the sun not moving. Where is he? To find New Athens, go west of Athens and up the slope and then south west. -The king in New Athens told me to consult the men. What next? Head west of Therma and up the slope. -How to get past the second debris mountain pass? Jump down certain spots and finally jump down to the ground again at the very right. -How do I get to Drad? Jump off the edge north of Logosis. -I got to Troy but I don't know what to do now. Exit Troy and go into the water south. Make sure you're not missing the giant horse. -I jumped with the kite but it didn't work. Jump off the tower in Troy instead. -How do I get Stheno's Blood? Go to the volcano island and defeat the boss. -How do I get Eurayle's Blood? Return to Driskos and take the ship south west to the island with a cave. -The world flooded... What next? Keep flying off the map with Pegasus. -I'm caught in the time loop. Just defend instead of fighting. -I have another question you didn't cover. Check out the FAQ Ultpaladin at gamefaqs.com