Aoi Blink English Translation .99b Copyright 2001 by Zatos Hacks Copyright 2001 by Gaijin Productions ------------------ Applying the patch ------------------ First, I'm sure many people will be confused about how to patch the ROM. To save from explaining how to use IPS for DOS, I'll point you to the link to IPSWin. Get it here: Most people still can't patch it in DOS even after a very clear explanation of how to do it. IPSWin is much simpler for the DOS impaired. It asks you to find your ROM file, and then it asks you to find your IPS patch file. Then you click 'patch' and huzzah! All done without the leetness of using DOS. Enjoy. ---------------------- About Aoi (Blue) Blink ---------------------- Aoi Blink is a weird little platformer for the PC Engine, which of course, never saw light in the US, or Europe for that matter. Its a pretty simple game, but mindless fun for anybody who's bored. In case you're wondering, in the game you are supposed to save your dad, and probably the country too. Something I missed before - there IS an intro. You have to wait through 2 demo cycles... which is extremely odd that they would make you wait that long. Usually the demos come after the introduction. Oh well, they're just stupid I guess. You can watch it for the background story. ---------- Characters ---------- Kaeru - The main character. His father has been kidnapped so he sets out to find him. Haruhiko - Kaeru's father. He's been kidnapped! Blink - Kaeru's pet? Mule? Pony? I'm not sure. He's blue too. Tanba - Driver of the bus who takes Kaeru to find his father. Ni Techi - A thief who travels with his brother on Tanba's bus. Sa Techi - The fat short brother of the pair of thieves. Tanba - The driver of the bus... that takes you everywhere. Princess - The Princess of the country decides to join the Kirara strange party, travelling to find Kaeru's father. Emperor - The evil emperor who has kidnapped your father in Gurosu an attempt for world domination! Ok, maybe not the last part. What exactly is Blink? He is a a RAIJUU kid, or RAIJUUNOKO. Tomato was kind enough to look up the legend about this character. The legend defines RAIJUUNOKO as: "An imaginary beast. Is four-legged, and is said to ride a cloud and fly through the sky during thunderstorms. Falls to the ground when there's thunder (apparently it hitting the ground is the cause of the sound of thunder) and harms people and animals." Blink isn't exactly evil in the game, so I am going to assume he is lightly based on the legend, and basically explains why he is a magical blue 'donkey' that helps out Kaeru and the others. -------- Controls -------- Since most people probably dont own the game, or read Japanese for that matter, here are some basic instructions: Button 1 - Jump Button 2 - Shoot Select - Switch Characters (they have different abilities, so go ahead) Run - Pause You can also use Blink to revive yourself if you pause first and push button 1. Which you'd know anyways after playing the first level. However, doing this costs a 'Blink', or life. It's up to you whether you'd rather use them healing your self, or to save them in the event you are injured or fall in a pit. ---- Tips ---- Most levels have more than one exit. It shouldn't be that hard to figure out the different exits, and generally the people tell you when there is one you've missed. I'm sure the most questions people will have is where to find the red key. The red keys that let you get to the bosses are hidden, and you need to shoot where its hidden to make it appear. For a freebie, the first one is hidden right after the second screen in the tower. Shouldn't be that hard. Oh yeah, you know all those bags with numbers on them? Those are experience points. Collect 100 and you get an extra heart container. I think you can get around 10 hearts all together. Dont ignore them, they're not just points! --------------- About the patch --------------- Originally, work on this game started in the hands of Dave, at Gaijin Productions. He and his trusty translator, Look4Sheep did some work on the game and then stopped. Dave passed his work along to me, and I've finished the game from there. It is based on his original work. This game also uses evil hardcoded pointers, but this game seemed to be far more forgiving than that of my other project, Photograph Boy. Still, it would be much better had I known how to change hardcoded pointers. Also, all the graphics are compressed, so I could not implement a lower case font, nor could I fix the title screen. I would like to change those in the future also, but I do not have the capability. Normally all uppercase fonts look icky, but it didn't seem so bad in this game. The game also isn't too much story driven so its not much of a problem. Anyways, enjoy the game. ------- Credits ------- Hacking: Zatos Hacking, Table: Dave Translation: Look4Sheep Tomato Special Thanks: Chris Covell (informed me of the missing intro text) Haeleth Tomato ---- Bugs ---- If you find any bugs in the translation, please report them and I will fix them ASAP. BTW, in case any of you are going to report the lady before you get to the castle, don't. I'm talking about the fact that she is the only person in the whole game who's text box scrolls instead of starts a new page. Thats because I left out a control code - on purpose. When it was there, it made a strange bug where the next line appeared one line down more than it was supposed to. So I just did it that way. Nothing significant, just a different method of viewing text. Also, there didn't appear to be any apostrophes in the game's font (well, I couldn't view it anyways) so please don't report words with missing apostrophes. I know about it, and I figured it wouldn't be that bad, everyone could still understand it. Okay?