Maison Ikkoku ------------- This patch is for the PC Engine game, "Maison Ikkoku", by Microcabin, based on the Fuji TV Television show of the same name, and the manga of the same name, by Rumiko Takahashi. The translation and resulting patch was created by Matt LaFrance ('filler') and Dave Shadoff. It is intended to be applied to the game image *including* header, with a size of 262,656 bytes. About the Game: --------------- Maison Ikkoku is a graphical, menu-based interactive digital comic, based on the events of the manga and anime series. You play as Godai, who must win the heart of Kyoko by running around town, doing certain things, making some people happy, and somehow dealing with your meddling neighbours. And all this on a limited budget, and without really knowing what 'certain things' need to be achieved. History of the Patch: --------------------- Originally, the script was extracted sometime in 2003. We had a few initial test versions through 2003 and 2004, but it wasn't actually to the point where we felt it was complete until 2005. Unfortunately, in 2005 it still had bugs which prevented people from completing it. And like so many times before, life became busy so it was put on a shelf for awhile. In 2007, I took another look at it, and I think I fixed all the remaining bugs. Matt had the opportunity to finally play-test it, and rework the script a bit. We were going to release it to beta-testers at that point, but there wasn't really a lot of interest. Fast-forward to 2008, and we decided to call it complete - although neither of us has actually played 100% through the game. But we also haven't seen any significant issues. Bugs/Issues: ------------ As I said, there aren't any known bugs, although some lines of text don't seem to have the same spacing before/after them as others (some have an empty line as space, and some don't, without particularly good reason). But as far as I can see, it was like this in the Japanese version as well. Matt has considerable information for a walkthrough, although he has not yet completed the game. Please contact him if you get stuck. If you encounter any technical problems while running the game, let me (Dave) know. A Mednafen savestate, taken BEFORE the issue occurs, would be ideal to help me figure out and fix the problem, but I'd like to hear about any issues (even if I don't have enough information to fix them). Certainly if their is any interest, and if there are sufficient script or technical issues found, we plan to create/release another update. For now, enjoy !! Contact Info: ------------- Matt LaFrance (filler): Dave Shadoff: 2008/04/13 Version Log: ------------ v1.01 - 2008/04/13 - Fixed a problem with the header to fix MagicEngine compatibility v1.00 - 2008/04/08 - Initial Release ------------------------------------------------------ All program data contained herein (c) 2008 by Dave Shadoff English scripts and artwork are (c) 2004, 2008 by Matt La France This information is to be distributed as a set, in its original form only. This set of files is to be used for educational purposes only The user of this information is expected to possess the original game, and be able to produce the required image from it. This patch is NOT to be distributed together with the original game image. ------------------------------------------------------