DICING KNIGHT. ENGLISH TRANSLATION V1.00 Copyright 2007 by Aeon Genesis http://agtp.romhack.net ToC 1. About Dicing Knight. 2. Patch History 3. Patch Credits and Contributors 4. Known issues 5. Application Instructions 6. Controls Explanation ---------------------- 1.About Dicing Knight. ---------------------- Dicing Knight, a homebrew Wonderwitch game, managed to win a Best Homebrew contest and saw an extremely limited release as a commercial game. It's absurdly fun, for such a simple game. Each dungeon is randomly rearranged when you enter it, as is typical for roguelikes. The gameplay, atypical of roguelikes, is comprised of fast-paced action. An explanation of the controls follows in section 6. --------------- 2.Patch History --------------- This game was brough to my attention this morning on the SelectButton forums. I decided to hack it, and did so this afternoon. Then, this evening, I released the patch. January 20, 2007 - Initial version 1.00 Release --------------- 3.Patch Credits --------------- THE DICING KNIGHT TEAM Main Team: Gideon Zhi - Project leader, Romhacker Chrissy/Excellen - Japanese Translator -------------- 4.Known Issues -------------- --The patch is largely untested, so one or two of the graphics might not display 100% correctly. I think they will, though. Please report any other bugs, spelling errors, and such on The Pantheon (http://donut.parodius.com/agtp) Screenshots are preferred, as are savestates. -------------------------- 5.Application Instructions -------------------------- Grab LunarIPS from the following site: http://www.romhacking.net Then just apply the patch to the game. ---------------------- 6.Controls Explanation ---------------------- --The X D-Pad moves your character around. --The Y D-Pad manages your inventory. Press an empty direction to pick up an item, or the direction of an item to use the item. --The B button brings up your shield. Your hunger meter drops at an increased rate while the shield is out. --The A button swings your sword. --A special move can be executed when the bar below your health reads "MAX!!" To do so, press both sword and shield buttons at the same time. The move you do depends on which you press first.